Edited 12 mo ago
Posted 12 mo ago
Responses: 2
LTC Eugene Chu They Definitely got their Hands in Many Real Estate Deals all over the World but they Definitely Pulled Out of their Project with the Old Federal Reserve in Kansas City!
MSG Stan Hutchison
And now they are trying to combine Communism and Capitalism, which may work for some but not for the masses.
LTC Eugene Chu
MSG Stan Hutchison - Exactly. Side problem about Chinese economy is state owned enterprise system. Analogy: AAFES in U.S. is profitable and money goes towards MWR, Chinese public businesses are inefficient money pits requiring regular government bailouts.
SGT (Join to see)
LTC Eugene Chu - I think that could be said for many countries that once ruled the known world.
Government is goverment, that rules it's people. The one that has more and bigger weapons, wins, proven in ones dynasty.
Government is goverment, that rules it's people. The one that has more and bigger weapons, wins, proven in ones dynasty.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MSG Stan Hutchison - Nailed It, You Can't be "Communist." and have a Stock Market, Definitely Not Mao's Communism Anymore, Something More Hybrid between Communism and Capitalism. Still Authoritarian Though!
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