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Responses: 6
MSG Stan Hutchison
Now we can expect the right-wingers here with their "what about??"
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
7 mo
WRONG...there is no whatabout...these jackwagons were wrong in every possible sense of the word. What would a right winger whatabout? I hope they all end up in General Population and then we will see how bad they are when they are washing someones drawers!!!
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
7 mo
What about Hunter?
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
7 mo
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth absolutely correct. No excuses for their actions. Hope there’s a huge bubba waiting for them
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CPL LaForest Gray
The following information is provided by the U.S. Government and Juridical System as court documents records show and the laws, statues that govern them, including updates and revisions.

In other words : These ain’t “MY FACTS”. They are collectively “OURS”.

Not liking the information nor the source of the information, doesn’t change the legislation nor laws as the FACTS the are.

V1 : https://youtu.be/nbWADAigxoM?si=RuylCUqXHBn6i9qb

1.) If the law of the land ( #usa ) is to govern the people fairly, then why are their secret mechanisms (Grand Jury [ Witness and Grand Jury Secrecy SOURCE : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/witness-and-grand-jury-secrecy ] ) of the law? It always says :

“The State of/The United States of America/Amerikkka _________ vs. Defendant __________”

When they bring charges against the defendant(s)

2.) U.S. Freedoms are falsehoods under the law : In a court room you can be both jailed and fined for contempt for either speaking out (1st Amendment) or for not speaking/answering questions (5th Amendment) ....

2a.) Courtrooms and courthouses generally are places where free speech may be restricted. 1. Expressive conduct as a form of speech ― Free speech protection applies not only to spoken or written words but also to expressive conduct. Wearing an armband, for example, may be a symbolic act protected by the First Amendment.

“The First Amendment does not give citizens the right to exercise free speech rights on any government property at any time.”


Also ....

3.) Prosecutors are absolutely immune from liability, which means that they cannot be sued for their decisions as prosecutors, no matter how outrageous their conduct. The Supreme Court has held that absolute immunity protects prosecutors who knowingly used false testimony and suppressed evidence in a murder trial”.

Jun 22, 2020



1.) Let’s Put an End to
Prosecutorial Immunity

“The time has come to create some level
of accountability for prosecutors.”

FILED 10:00 p.m. 03.13.2018



2.) Prosecutorial Immunity Denied for 'Fake Subpoenas,' Fabricating Evidence and Directing Raid

This column by Martin A. Schwartz, on Section 1983 Litigation, focuses on three recent circuit court decisions rejecting claims of prosecutorial immunity for investigative actions.
By Martin A. Schwartz July 06, 2020 at 12:30 PM


*** It don’t matter if they are :

* Democratic Party.
* Republican Party.
* Libertarian Party.
* Green Party.
* Constitution Party.


Military Law/Other | NIMJ
Military Law/Other

JANUARY 26, 2022
Supreme Court Again Clarifies Qualified Immunity Protection for Peace Officers

‏In the recent City of Tahlequah v. Bond decision, the United States Supreme Court revisited the protections officers should receive through qualified immunity (City of Tahlequah v. Bond, 2021 U.S. Lexis 5310 [2021]).

‏Qualified immunity provides
‏ immunity from certain lawsuits raised against government officials acting in their official capacity. It is important to note that qualified immunity not only protects peace officers but any federal, state or local public official.

‏The Supreme Court has evaluated the protections afforded to government officials under qualified immunity many times before and has held that “The central purpose of affording public officials qualified immunity is to protect them ‘from undue interference with their duties and from potentially disabling threats of liability’” (Elder v. Holloway [1994] 510 U.S. 510).

‏The Supreme Court has also stated that “This accommodation for reasonable error exists because officials should not err always on the side of caution because they fear being sued” (Hunter v. Bryant [1991] 502 U.S. 224). For peace officers, this means that enforcement of the law is prioritized over the recovery of money damages in a lawsuit. 

SOURCE : https://laapoa.com/2022/01/supreme-court-again-clarifies-qualified-immunity-protection-for-peace-officers/

OCTOBER 22, 2021 2:44PM
Supreme Court Reaffirms Unwillingness to Reconsider Qualified Immunity

To understand the significance of these otherwise mundane decisions, it’s important to start with last term’s decision in Taylor v. Riojas. This per curiam opinion summarily reversed the Fifth Circuit’s grant of immunity to corrections officers who had kept a man in inhumane prison conditions, and it marked the first time in sixteen years that the Court held that official conduct violated “clearly established law.”

As I discussed in detail here, this was a noteworthy development, as it reaffirmed the basic principle from Hope v. Pelzer — long thought to be effectively inoperative as binding precedent — that at least some sufficiently obvious constitutional violations do not require cases exactly on point to hold that the law was clearly established.

SOURCE : https://www.cato.org/blog/supreme-court-reaffirms-unwillingness-reconsider-qualified-immunity

1.) Study: The 'War On Cops' Is Pure Bullshit

Studies from the it-keeps-the-money-rolling-in-though dept

Fri, Apr 26th 2019 10:44am - Tim Cushing

The “War on Cops” is a belief system that’s currently being preached to the converted. Evidence abounds that it’s safer to be a cop now than it’s ever been, and yet, officers still claim they’re being targeted and use these unfounded fears to obtain military equipment and qualified immunity rulings.

“The number of line-of-duty deaths has declined dramatically over the last five decades. Policing is a much safer profession now than it was 50 years ago. Despite a 75% drop in deaths, however, there has been remarkable stability in geographic-, temporal-, and incident-level characteristics. Also, several notable changes over time reflect favorably on improved safety in policing, such as declines in deaths resulting from aircraft crashes and accidental gunfire. Other trends are troubling, though, such as the stability in deaths during auto pursuits and a two-fold increase in deaths from vehicular assaults. Currently, the “war on cops” thesis is not supported by any evidence, and we apply the 50-year lens in this study to provide important context for understanding recent trends in officer deaths.”

SOURCE : https://www.techdirt.com/2019/04/26/study-war-cops-is-pure-bullshit/

2.) FBI Data Reveal ‘War on Cops’ is Nonexistent

Loaded on JULY 21, 2018 by Dale Chappell published in Criminal Legal News August, 2018, page 35
Filed under: Statistics/Trends, Databases, Police, FBI. Location: United States of America.

“Where is the “war on cops” claimed by the country’s leaders? According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s annual report on law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty across the country, 93 cops died in the line of duty in 2017, and 118 were killed in 2016.

However, more than half were killed in accidents, and half of those were not wearing seatbelts. The data were compiled from local, state, federal, tribal, and campus police agencies.

Being a cop is not even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the United States. While some officers unfortunately die while on duty, the data clearly show that there is no “war on cops” as some falsely claim. In fact, being a federal law enforcement officer was one of the safest jobs in the country the past two years: None were killed in the line of duty in 2017, and only one was killed in 2016.

Yet, Congress still wants to make the killing of a cop a “hate crime.” The facts do not support this push. More cops were killed in previous years than the last two years. Clearly, line of duty deaths for cops are on the decline despite the rhetoric. The “war on cops” story is nothing more than a myth. 

Source: theantimedia.com

SOURCE : https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jul/21/fbi-data-reveal-war-cops-nonexistent/

3.) May 4, 2020
FBI Releases 2019 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty

According to statistics reported to the FBI, 89 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents in 2019. Of these, 48 officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 41 officers died in accidents.

Comprehensive data tables about these incidents and brief narratives describing the fatal attacks are included in Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 2019, released today.

Felonious Deaths

The 48 felonious deaths occurred in 19 states and in Puerto Rico. The number of officers killed as a result of criminal acts in 2019 was 8 less than the 56 officers who were feloniously killed in 2018.

The 5- and 10-year comparisons show an increase of 7 felonious deaths compared with the 2015 figure (41 officers) and a decrease of 7 deaths compared with 2010 data (55 officers).

Officer Profiles. The average age of the officers who were feloniously killed was 40 years old. The victim officers had served in law enforcement for an average of 13 years at the times of the fatal incidents. Of the 48 officers:

* 45 were male
* 3 were female
* 40 were white
* 7 were black/African American
* 1 was Asian.

Circumstances. Of the 48 officers feloniously killed:

* 15 died as a result of investigative or law enforcement activities
* 6 were conducting traffic violation stops
* 4 were performing investigative activities
* 2 were drug-related matters
* 2 were interacting with wanted persons
* 1 was investigating suspicious person or circumstance
* 9 were involved in tactical situations
* 3 were barricaded/hostage situations
* 3 were serving, or attempting to serve, search warrants
* 2 were serving, or attempting to serve, arrest warrants
* 1 was reported in the category titled “other tactical situation”
* 5 were involved in unprovoked attacks
* 4 were responding to crimes in progress
* 2 were robberies
* 1 was larceny-theft
* 1 was reported in the category titled “other crime against property”
* 3 were involved in arrest situations and were attempting to restrain/control/handcuff the offender(s) during the arrest situations
* 3 were assisting other law enforcement officers
* 2 with vehicular pursuits
* 1 with foot pursuit
* 3 were responding to disorders or disturbances
* 2 were responding to disturbances (disorderly subjects, fights, etc.)
* 1 was responding to a domestic violence call
* 3 were involved in vehicular pursuits
* 2 were ambushed (entrapment/premeditation)
* 1 was serving, or attempting to serve, a court order (eviction notice, subpoena, etc.).

SOURCE : https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-2019-statistics-on-law-enforcement-officers-killed-in-the-line-of-duty
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Not immigrants, not drag queens. Domestic terrorists.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
7 mo
1SG (Join to see) Yeah, I Noticed That!
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