You have heard these slogans
' Only from the mind of Minolta'
' Ford has a better idea.'
These were positive and forward-looking..
Political message dress worn by stupid Congesswoman AOC at $35000 a plate Gayla in 2020. Her gown said 'tax the rich.'
Dumb President Biden:
'The rich should pay their fair share'
( His son was busted for $1 tax evasion and goes on trial in June of 2024. His conviction is doubtful) President Biden is not the mind of Minolta and is not Ford's Better Idea when he wants to tax United States corporations and citizens more than what communist Chinese corporations and citizens are taxed.
The Biden administration and the Science of Stupid.
President Trump had a tax cut put in 2017, and the Treasury is still making more money today. but the White House Public Affairs Officer,KJP, lies and says that tax revenue is down and blames President Trump for their overspending and federal debt
He may be responsible for some of it during COVID block balance, but not more than 10%.
President Trump is The convenience scapegoat for everything.
The current federal budget deficit is 300 billion dollars per year and growing. This means that this year's budget is bringing in less than what it's spending. I've heard many economists say that if President Biden just stopped spending. He could make inflation go down drastically. And this just makes it more complicated for the Federal Reserve.
Today it came out that the customer price index is up slightly and tomorrow we will find out the producer price index. Don't be surprised if it starts ticking up again. Forgiving, student loans does not help at all. This also goes against federal laws. President Biden is violating the Constitution and this is an impeachable offense.
We should add this to the pile.