Some more about AI was in today's e-mail. Using it to wrangle fusion sounds like a good functional use of it. Interesting article that talks about trying to get fusion to work as folks theorize it could.
Seems that all computer algorithms and software that has long be created, revised, improved upon to do heavy duty type scientific calculation has now been put under the umbrella category of AI, and also referred to as such.
When I see and hear the term "AI: I think of the lifelike realistic robots that some folks are focusing on, and the new front end Google ChatAI and all the others that talk to people and speak in sentances - the "AI people" parlor games there is fear will become dangerous as people try to program them to think and learn like people.
They don't hold a candle to the complex programming that does the types of math calculations which have long been useful application. Seems odd to refer to it as AI, since complex algroithmic computer programs have always been a matter of actual intelligent programming.