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Responses: 1
CPL LaForest Gray
V1 : https://youtu.be/wTjMqda19wk?si=X-F16LjsDwDIWKIc

V2 : https://youtu.be/bJECaXs-pZA?si=3FHR5YrrR40F5YHo

Trump = Terrorist/Fascist & Racist

Make America great again.....ok, Big Business stop subsidizing careers/jobs overseas. Stop shutting down towns and outsourcing those jobs overseas to pay less, make more and catch tax breaks.

Makes America great again....hmmmm, a country that spends more on locking its citizens up, than investing in its school system by design. A country that's for the last 37 years has built 5 prisons to every one public school that's been built, that be designed have systematically taken the arts and health programs out of public schools, and put armed guards, metal detectors in-place and STILL underpay/under-sources teachers aboard.

Make America great again....Let's see, racism is promoted as if it was a sporting event and encouraged because of course, that's the foundation of an "Great America" just refer to the U.S. Constitution that label African-Americans "3/5 a person" and STILL is constitutional. The 13th Amendment clearly states;

"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.[1]"

See's its citizens as cattle.....legally and lamb to the slaughter....the KKK currently wears blue uniforms are called "Police Officers/Cops" that can legally murder its citizens, leave them out for display....receive cheers and the benefit of doubt, when it's clearly mis-use of deadly force/murder even when incidents are filmed from BEGINNING TO END.....that they were in the wrong, but hey...this is America at its greatest.
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