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Responses: 2
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Just Add it to Trump's Many Business Failures and Bankruptcies!
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
10 mo
Trump sold rights to the property for $60 million to Bally. How is that a business failure? Did you read the article?
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CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
Trump losing his real estate as a real estate baron by inheritance; a billionaire turned "Hitler-politician" to hide his misadventures brings some warmth to liver. It will be criminal to witness such personalities retake office.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
10 mo
Why, we currently have a criminal in office right now, the only problem is he doesn’t even know he’s the president so I guess all his screw ups aren’t his fault, it’s Trumps. Why don’t people focus on the real problems that have all been created and worsened over the past three years by this incompetent administration. At least Trump never lost our Secretary of Defense for four days, oh well I guess there’s no problem with that, especially when American Troops are being attacked all over the Middle East by some backyard thugs with ballistic missiles, no problem there. Please don’t get me started on all Biden's accomplishments, there’s just so many. I hate Trump so don’t accuse me of being a Trumpian or some other childish name dreamed up by some liberal with an anti Trump complex. If the name of a golf course excites you I can see why liberals can’t get anything accomplished.
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