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Responses: 9
MSgt Steve Sweeney
I strongly support right-wingers not voting in the 2024 election.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
6 mo
That's great because if right wingers do vote in the 2024 election [assuming that the anticipated cheating is kept under control and doesn't have a profound impact on the outcome as it did in 2020], Trump goes in and you'll still have the right to air stupid opinions. The side that feels the need to cancel the other clearly isn't confident in their own message.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
6 mo
Capt Jeff S. - You mean the "cheating" that leaves absolutely no evidence that cheating occurred? I like these little victimhood stories people like you like to tell. So fun and full of imagination. It lets you pretend to be oppressed while excusing your glaring defects, incompetence, and ineptitude.
PO3 Justin Bowen
PO3 Justin Bowen
6 mo
MSgt Steve Sweeney - No, he means the cheating that led to Trump's loss but that didn't result in losses for all of the other Republicans that won on the exact same ballots.
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
LTC Eugene Chu LMAO... works for me...
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
I urge these voters to boycott and not vote.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
6 mo
Rich who? "These voters" have never heard of you and that's probably not the main reason they wouldn't take your bad advice. IF they did something that stupid, people might have them confused with Democrats. C'mon man?!!

As an aside: Hillary probably would have won in 2016 had mail-in ballots been a thing. Election fraud has practically become SOP for Democrat voters. Who in their right mind would come up with such a stupid idea as to mail ballots to every person with an address (even those that were just PO Boxes, and some even were addressed to empty lots) and think that's going to produce a fair result. There is literally no way to know who filled out the ballot nor can you tell if the ballot came from the address once it is separated from the envelope (which were conveniently destroyed) eliminating any hope of validating the ballots as legit. No solid chain of custody either.

The Right understands that this is what the Left does and they know that the best way to deal with a cheating minority is to overwhelm the polls with legitimate votes - just like they did in 2016 when Hillary was defeated by Trump, who ran a much more efficient and smart campaign. Trump didn't ignore the people in the flyover territory as Hillary did. The people in the flyover territories were sick of being ignored and didn't believe the polls from the Fake News. Instead of staying home as the DNC expected, they went out and voted.

I guess it also doesn't help when the public knows Hillary is arrogant and abusive to her staff. She blamed her staff for the problems she caused by her unethical conduct and had a meltdown instead of graciously accepting defeat. When you're guilty of: lying under oath, laundering aid money [Clinton Foundation], destroying evidence of fraud and making people who could testify against you disappear, getting your ambassador and staff members killed [What does it matter?], leaking classified, etc., it should not surprise you that you are not a popular person in the public's eye. It's not that the voters were fans of Trump; they just couldn't stomach the thought of Hillary as President.

And yet we're supposed to believe that Trump, whose signs were in people's yards all over the country, who was filling stadiums and outdoor venues to capacity while Biden followed the science and hid from the press in his basement, lost to Biden? It was no secret Biden was cognitively challenged even as he was running for President. It's also no secret that our allies are doubting the legitimacy of the Biden Administration. Pretty much, people can see that Obama is effectively on his 3rd term. Biden doesn't direct his staff; he takes direction from them and gets in trouble every time he goes off script forcing them to damage control and spin for him. The Australians joke about Biden on their news. They openly mock him and ask, "Who is running America? It surely isn't Joe Biden! If you really want to know, go find out who makes out his notecards... THAT! is who's running the country!

I'm looking forward to free AND FAIR (as in SECURE) elections in 2024. IF that is the case, Trump will likely win as the Democrats have NOBODY that can rally support from the people as Trump can. Love him or hate him, there is no denying that the country was better run under Trump than Biden. If hyperinflation, more wars, and a stagnant economy is how you build back better, we had better go back to the way we were doing under Trump!
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
6 mo
Wow, stand by your man who exhibits Narcissistic Personality Disorder with prominent antisocial traits.
Rich who?
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
6 mo
SSgt Richard Kensinger - I long ago began BLOCKING the MAGA RP Kult Klan that used my Threads to spread their lies & conspiracy theories. They can start their own Threads... if they know how.
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