Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 2
Honestly, I think this is a good idea. This not only allows Joe to get the ink that he's gonna get anyway in a more controlled and safe environment, but Womack doing the health oversight will allow for the DoD and our in-house medical personnel to ensure that Joe is looked out for. Not to mention the fact that ATS is a world-recognized tattoo company that has a VERY high reputation, so you're gonna getting legitimately GOOD artists working there. So Joe is getting his ink safely, in a shop instead of the Barracks, from reputable artists, and Uncle Sam is not only gonna make sure Joe is safe, but also.isnt gonna get ripped off.
For the naysayers on this platform, I'd love to hear how this is a bad idea. But do so logically, not based upon "tattoo bad because religion or personal outdated opinion."
For the naysayers on this platform, I'd love to hear how this is a bad idea. But do so logically, not based upon "tattoo bad because religion or personal outdated opinion."
Smoke Bomb Hill, Wow. Some of the best artists in the world have always been in the Fayettevile area. Got my 2nd tat from Mr. Tramp on Bragg road, Maybe 1982. I wonder if the Post is going to place any kind of restrictions on them.
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