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Responses: 3
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Great advice is to practice, practice, practice!
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
I have received some really good advice right here on Rally Point.
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SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
All advice directed at men only. Not a word on how to draw ctom a concealed carry purse or from a thigh holster under your dress.

But you say these are men . True but one wonders why advice from women who carry is NEVER OFFERED OR CONSIDERED.
LTC Thomas Tennant
LTC Thomas Tennant
10 mo
IT IS A MATTER OF TRADEOFFS AND PERSONAL PREFERANCE. Most reputable firearms instructors will start with in mind when discussing EDC and carry methods. Off body carry (purse, handbag, or pack) for both men and women is not as desirable as on-body (inside/outside the waistband, shoulder holster, or appendix carry). It is a matter of draw times and getting effective first shots off. Yes, there are classes for off body carry but the statistical draw times are generally three to four seconds vs. one to two seconds for on body carry. My wife has blown out a couple of purses in several.

When I teach the off-body carry portion of my defensive handgun classes it is usually right after teaching Jeff Cooper's "situational awareness" process, how not to be identified as a soft target, and the Tiller Drill principle of reactive disconnect. These teaching segments stress that MOST self defense situations are within 7 to 10 yards (21 to 30 feet) in which an average "bad guy" can be on top of his victim in under two seconds. If you are not situationally aware that is deadly, even for the most in shape and seasoned police officer.

But there are other negatives to off-body carry. As a responsible armed citizen, you are accountable 24/7 for control of that weapon. You need to limit access to that weapon by others while having it useful for you. It is easier to do when you have it attached to your body, but with say a purse, there is the possibility to set the purse with pistol down some place while you go about your busy day. If you are really busy, you could even forget all about it until it is too late to prevent an unwanted problem or incident. Then there is the issue of grab and snatch purse threats where the shoulder strap is easily cut.

As a matter of full disclosure, my wife and I occasionally carry off body. I have a single strap backpack where I carry a Glock 17 (often my spare weapon to my EDC Glock 19). My wife on the other hand seems to always carry her Sig in a purse with a reinforce shoulder strap. She however offsets things by being very "situationally aware" and picks up on things before me...she is like radar.

SSgt Clare May
SSgt Clare May
10 mo
Living with situational awareness...ahhh yes... the life of luxury and panic attacks all wrapped around a rubber band wound up...under excessive stress...ready to fly away... or off... er...snap.

There are times, I saw (reminiscing here), the street lurchins walking with skizo without fear or a viable thought in their collective minds and appreciated that stress was an unknown factor as they didn't have the mental ability to recognize situational awareness... Let alone define it.

Although we might outlive them since we bath more often, go to the doctors more often, spend better money and time with quality food rather than 6 month old road kill that has "cooked" itself on the interstate in 110 degree temps in the summer... and "pre frozen" for consumption in the winter from those 28 degree days... Always packaged in fur wrappings rather than plastic wrap... I sometimes wondered if they gave a thought to situational awareness when the fur got caught in their throat?... humm, a pondering dilemma for sure don't you think...? Alas I learned to appreciate that little bullshit mindset that set them free onto a different planet.

Living with PTSD, and having been under the spell of situational awareness spell since I was 17 years old... oh shit...that's been more than 46 years now this past July... No-one I know directly mentions the long term mental costs of living with situational awareness.

There was Vernon Gerberth though... Homicide Detective from NYPD... who told me that he spent an awful lot of time and money with his shrink...ehh... a different story for a different day I recon... shit...back to situational awareness thingy though.

People living with guns as we rightfully can do in this sometimes lawless society that the far-left-liberal-unicorn-treehugger-democratic-rehab-everyone-for-everything-and-release-them-back-into-society-because-they-will-reoffend-80%-of-the-time-within-18-months-of-release-from-prison ... need to learn...My 3 simple steps to situational awareness...

#1. To turn situational awareness the fuck off.

If you don't learn to do that... The problem that will happen is this... Everyone is a suspect in code yellow until you see code orange or red. Everyone you see; Everyone. All the time. Every day. Every moment your in public life...and when its ingrained, hammered into your mindset.. it can never shut off unless you tell it to shut the fuck off.

Sleeping is your only true escape... but then the nightmares can sneak up on you...

Man with a gun, no face, he's gotta gun, low ready...your grab yours...nope its a no shoot, wait he is raising it...its a shoot... nope its back down its a no shoot... back up, back down back up, back down... endless fucking game until you can stop the dream or wake the fuck up... because you don't want to go to prison for a bad shoot now do you? Do it again next week but this time its a knife... a big knife... up... down... up...down... fuck it just shoot the cocksucker already its just a fucking dream...

When you fight them fuckers in your sleep... I still haven't figured out how to not fight the fuckers... try not to actually hit your significant other. Praying that God will forgive still don't settle the mindset. There is not enough forgiveness in this world when that happens. That's part of what "situational awareness" can come back and haunt your ass.

Worse cases can be that guy climbing the telephone pole in Korea, some kind of electrician...52 below zero... you hear the distinct sounds of a massive surge of electricity... him getting fucking zapped... you hear the thud...your feel the vibration in your feet from the impact... he is now at your feet, smoldering and his eyes are popped out of his head... No code yellow there boys and girls... Not even orange now or red... this is flat out code white, nothing to see here kiddos just move right along... then telling some lookie loos that they don't need to be screaming like that...its annoying and is giving tinnitus... and just because they hit code black don't mean you or I gotta... then your supervisor is standing there bitching you out later in the shift for not trying to do CPR... Yeah...that's always a good one. Black got him really good... didn't help that you were still in white...

Or the A7 from the USS Midway down for repairs and you babysat that bird for like 3 months... Time to fly away, but the pheasant on the runway had a different path that day as the C-130 from Kunsan with 9 SOB's on board has an inflight as the A7 is waiting to go.. and he is flushed to get the fuck out of the way... the ball of fire, the flip onto the canopy, no ejection possible, upside down at 300 mph...coming right at you at taxiway alpha... stopping just on the other side of your tire tracks... upside down. burnt to shit...and the pilot Lt. whatshisname as time has blessed me to forget...is still in the cockpit, no head, one arm barely hanging on by threads of sinew, no more neck... fine particles of human flesh ground off and laying on the concrete taxiway gaps at alpha...

No one is teaching code white anymore that I know of... Situational awareness needs to be taught right alongside with code white. Turn the fucking mind off. Learn to turn the fucking thing off. You must turn the damn thing off... you have to shut it off...

Situational awareness is always code yellow... a heightened state of readiness.... turn that fucking thing off... force yourself to turn that fucking thing off.

Code orange is the next step... move out of the fucking way of the train, grab his or her gun, but move your fucking ass to do something to mitigate what is now...without a doubt going to happen... turn this fucking color code thing off too as soon as you can... You, I, no-one can live in orange.

Code Red... retuning fire. Engaging in the fist fight, smashing a chair on the window to escape Lubies as the one sided insane ass mental midget participates in a one sided firefight... Do it get it done and get the fuck out of red... you cannot live in code red. No one can. Get in it, get the fuck out of it... as fast as you can.

Code Black... my favorite one to watch others participate in... They have lost it. No thought penetrates that mental stage... slapping the shit outta of them is what I want to do to these fucknuggits... but there's another lawsuit so (unicorn fuckers come to mind here).. let them do the flop and drop, cry and moan, flip and flap, scream oh mi mijo bullshit...stress has overtaken their situational awareness to the point that stress can (and I swear to God sometimes I wished it would have) killed them. Ahh... but shit... you gotta do what you gotta do... calm them and tell them its ok. Crap... that shit pisses me off. Having to play the saint shit. But WTF that's why I got paid the big bucks... all $12.50 an hour.

Learn Code White from my little situational awareness game I'm playing with you right now.


If not from me...from somebody. Relax. Somewhere... some beach...or bitch...or bastard.. whatever works for you.

Do the street lurchin thing. Do it on purpose. Do it as often as you can. Do it ten times more than code yellow, a thousand times more than orange, a hundred thousand times more than red, and a billion and times that by ten billion times more than black.... and we'd be good to go... just don't eat the fucking road kill... nasty shit there maynard... fur crap in the teeth... makes a really hard turd too... gotta bear down so damn hard and forcing that furball shit turd out can cause you to go into code red and drop your ass with a heart attack on the shitter eating shit like that.

So... #2. Don't eat roadkill.

And finally in conclusion #3.... Relax and learn Code white. Live it, love it, enjoy it. We all will have demons, some are far worse that others, I mentioned and eluded to a few of mine, but by no means is the list shorter, and it is a damn bit too large for this rant...don't let them win because you get stuck in the situational awareness paradise of concealed carry or open carry monstrosity our society has created.

Just sayin'...
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
10 mo
LTC Thomas Tennant - You missed my point but you being a male thats what you do. You forget we exist. The 6 experts focus on how "men" should conceal carry and of course Women never crossed their mind.
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