Posted on Nov 15, 2023
Target sparks conservative outrage over "woke" Christmas ornaments
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I'm going to Target to get me a few of those! Awesome to finally see people with disabilities are represented. In fact I'm buying a bunch of Santas in wheelchairs for several of the veterans with disabilities I know. To finally see ourselves represented as normal is extremely uplifting.
I remember when Barbie as a wheelchair user was first issued. For the first time young girls and women who are wheelchair users saw themselves as being beautiful and part of society. I gave one to my veteran client's daughter (she was born with spina bifada) and the smile and tears on her face when she saw herself represented was worth more than that doll could ever cost. "Daddy! She's just like me!" Daddy had to go use the bathroom to cry.
I remember when Barbie as a wheelchair user was first issued. For the first time young girls and women who are wheelchair users saw themselves as being beautiful and part of society. I gave one to my veteran client's daughter (she was born with spina bifada) and the smile and tears on her face when she saw herself represented was worth more than that doll could ever cost. "Daddy! She's just like me!" Daddy had to go use the bathroom to cry.
Patricia Overmeyer
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - I agree. I'm so over this "they are trying to force this down our throats" argument. No one is forcing anyone to buy the merchandise and no one is saying that having this merchandise forces you to become "fill in the blank". What are people afraid of?
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Patricia Overmeyer - Every Time I Hear that "They are Trying t to Force this Down Our Throat" Argument First thing that Goes thru My Brain "The Ultimate Freudian Slip".
Patricia Overmeyer
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Glad you saw what I did there. LOL!! ; ) It's one of my favorite things to say when confronting the anti LGBTQ crowd and they never get it.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Patricia Overmeyer - They're Kind of "Slow"! I'm Kind of Geeky and a Retired Navy Spook. Trained to Read Between the Lines.
Target leadership is really trying to drive the company out of business with all their virtue signaling. It's pretty comical to see the self inflicted implosion in driving customers away.
Patricia Overmeyer
Yes it is real virtue signaling and they should go out of business because no customer would want to see Santa in a wheelchair! That is way too woke. It's just disgusting to see someone in a wheelchair, let alone Santa. And look at the fact that there are black Santas! OMG everyone knows Santa is white!
It's virtue signaling that people with disabilities should actually be seen instead of staying at home or in institutions where they belong. No one should ever have to see someone with a visible disability! That includes every single military veteran who was wounded in action, or who has since acquired a visible disability, or is just one of our elder generations who need wheelchairs/walkers/crutches, etc. None of them should be seen in public because they are no longer excellent specimens of human beings. They are too broken up and able bodied people should never have to see that.
Where did I hear that before? Oh yes from the National Socialist Movement. They called people with disabilities "the nutzlosers" and put them into the ovens first. Great idea. So I guess we need to take all those "woke Santas" that are virtue signaling and throw them in the fireplace. We could consider it a replication of the Nationalist Socialist Movement and we'll show Target!
It's virtue signaling that people with disabilities should actually be seen instead of staying at home or in institutions where they belong. No one should ever have to see someone with a visible disability! That includes every single military veteran who was wounded in action, or who has since acquired a visible disability, or is just one of our elder generations who need wheelchairs/walkers/crutches, etc. None of them should be seen in public because they are no longer excellent specimens of human beings. They are too broken up and able bodied people should never have to see that.
Where did I hear that before? Oh yes from the National Socialist Movement. They called people with disabilities "the nutzlosers" and put them into the ovens first. Great idea. So I guess we need to take all those "woke Santas" that are virtue signaling and throw them in the fireplace. We could consider it a replication of the Nationalist Socialist Movement and we'll show Target!
PO3 Shayne Seibert
Having the peanut gallery chime in makes my morning. Blind leading the blind yet again. I'll never shop at Target ever again, but there are still those on the right that did. Target has made a point to pander to 1% if the population with their woke and transgender crap, as well as the enablers which make up about 25% of the population.
Cutting their own throats to virtue signal that they are Allies to whatever woke BS is currently trending is hilarious. Their stocks are way down and the money backing is drying up. Go Woke, Go Broke.
Cutting their own throats to virtue signal that they are Allies to whatever woke BS is currently trending is hilarious. Their stocks are way down and the money backing is drying up. Go Woke, Go Broke.
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