Posted on Nov 14, 2023
For historically conservative Jewish Americans, Biden's response to Israel receives praise
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 3
LTC Eugene Chu "Historically Conservative?" Huh What? You'll have to Excuse My Humor with that Term. "Conservative" doesn't even begin to compare to how the Term "Conservative" is Applied in this Country. "Conservative?" as in Hasidic Jews? Yeah Religiously I'd call them "Conservative" but I've Met those that don't support Israel's Zionism and Long for the Older Relationship they had with their Palestinian Neighbors. I come from the Kansas City Metro, Johnson County, KS. Most the Jews I've Met are Raving Liberals by the US use of the Term. The Only "Conservative" Jew in the US Sense of the Word I've ever Heard of is Sheldon Adelson.
He's one of the few liberals that is for Israel, despite how he handled things at the beginning of his term.
Liberal education systems have completely lost their marbles and are supporting Hamas. The Oppressor / Oppressed victimology taught has really shown what the left, and most of the world thinks of Israel and their existence in general.
Liberal education systems have completely lost their marbles and are supporting Hamas. The Oppressor / Oppressed victimology taught has really shown what the left, and most of the world thinks of Israel and their existence in general.
This article is what I would call an exercise of stating much of the obvious. As a conservative, I support much of Biden's support for Israel too. Much of that support isn't much different than what any President (GOP, Dem, or Ind) would do. It's like saying I also support Obama's authorization to execute the mission to kill Bin Laden or Bush going after Al Qaeda in the first place. But just because Biden has chosen to pick the obvious route of supporting Israel, doesn't mean another GOP president wouldn't. Nor does it mean I have to support all of Biden's other policies and actions. That's the thing, I am capable of giving credit where credit is due. I'd argue there are some, especially a lot of folks on the left (and right), who can't. I will continue to stand by my opinion that Biden has proven to be the worst President in US history. Still, I'm glad he could at least make this good call. However, this war has not concluded and at some point, Biden will need to deal with Iran as they perpetuate things. I also do not agree with his light approach to challenging those who demand the ceasefire and who are perpetuating violence in this country in the name of the Palestinians, when many among them are actually promoting and applauding Hamas.
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