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Responses: 7
SSG Michael Noll
JB would be trailing a garbage truck IMHO brother Vic.
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
12 mo
1SG Russell Scott - Thank You Brother Russell for showing me who pvt cox is.
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
12 mo
PO3 Edward Riddle - "Thank you 'Brother' Russell for showing me who pvt cox is." Edward, thank you for showing me that you are so misinformed that you don't even get my rank correct. and that your misinformation is based upon fear. Remember that senator named McCarthy and who reigned in Congress in the 1950s? He liked to call those who wouldn't agree with him "Communists." Calling an American patriot who served in the U. S. Army a "Communist" is something that not only would McCarthy say but also your leader, Treasonous Traitor Trump. Trump and your kind will not take over and destroy democracy and the United States Constitution. Trump will not be given an opportunity to rewrite the Constitution because he will not be on the ballot as a presidential candidate because he swore to protect and defend the Constitution and then caused an insurrection on January 6, 2021. Prohibiting this treasonous traitor from being on the ballot is in accordance with the 14th Amendment, Section 3, the Insurrection Clause.
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
12 mo
SPC (Join to see) - You've got so many things backwards but then again, you guys always accuse us of doing what you guys are doing. It's called propaganda, most likely socialist. Oh, and I didn't get your rank wrong, you did.
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
12 mo
1SG Russell Scott - The word communist comes to mind Brother Russell. They are trying to take over our country, but they will meet a stiff resistance.
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Things can change in a hurry, unfortunately.
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
12 mo
And that will be so sad Brother Gene.
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GySgt Charles O'Connell
We don't need another term from fmr. Pres Trump, nor do we need another term from the incumbent. What we need are candidates from both party's that are up to the job.
GySgt Charles O'Connell
GySgt Charles O'Connell
12 mo
MAJ Byron Oyler - Yep. Choosing the lesser of two evils still gets ya an evil, or just plain ineptitude. We need, no deserve, government that works together for the good of all. Representing the needs of all the electorate, whether or not they voted for them.
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
12 mo
GySgt Charles O'Connell - Do you really, really think that person is out there? These guys are politicians after all.
GySgt Charles O'Connell
GySgt Charles O'Connell
12 mo
They’re out there, but part of the problem is with the electorate itself. Ya know how members of the Congress stay in off so long??? People keep voting for them. Look at this guy Santos. It shouldn’t be his peers on either side of the aisle calling for his ouster, it should be the constituents that voted for him, votes based on a lot of… creative imagining.

Are there good people out there, sure.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
12 mo
GySgt Charles O'Connell - My comment was based off of strictly having the same feelings.
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