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Responses: 5
MSG Stan Hutchison
I find it extremely interesting how a group of seeming intelligent people can see an issue, such as our history, in two completely different ways, when. IMO, both sides are correct. And incorrect.
I think if one were to look at a particular event or issue, research it thoroughly, and then form an opinion, it would not change our history, but enlighten us as to the actual facts.
The difficult part is, as we all know, history is written by the winners. Dig deeper than the usual fluff.
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CW5 State Standardization Instructor Pilot
Another poor gaslighting attempt by a hack, left wing, writer.
SPC Carl Davis
SPC Carl Davis
11 mo
Found this as credible. As we have seen in Florida, Texas and other laboratories of autocracy, once Republicans obtain unified control of government, they are compulsively driven to monkey with the history curricula of the public schools.
CW5 State Standardization Instructor Pilot
CW5 (Join to see)
11 mo
SPC Carl Davis - Please show a credible example.
SPC Carl Davis
SPC Carl Davis
11 mo
CW5 (Join to see) A favorite conservative technique is to place some delicious quote, concocted in the present, in the mouth of a founder, preferably Thomas Jefferson.

Nevertheless Republican operatives like Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich endorsing him. His 2012 book "The Jefferson Lies" was a New York Times bestseller — until fact-checking by authentic Jefferson scholars found so many outright falsehoods that the publisher finally withdrew the book. But no doubt thousands of children afflicted by home schooling or attendance at Christian academies are being indoctrinated with Barton’s lies to this day.
CW5 State Standardization Instructor Pilot
CW5 (Join to see)
11 mo
SPC Carl Davis - That's the writers opinion.

What exactly does it say in the book? What is the source documenting the fact that "thousands of children afflicted by home schooling or attendance at Christian academies are being indoctrinated".

The use of "afflicted" in this quote adds credibility to my supposition that the writer is a gaslighting hack.

You are quoting a political writer's opinions not documented fact.
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LTC David Brown
Edited 11 mo ago
There is a war between the left and the right over American history. The left wants a history that leaves America as a tarnished shell striped of any positive attributes and Christianity thrown out and tarnished also. The right wants to portray America as virtuous. For the left false history I bring forth the 1619 project. The myth of small pox infected blankets and many other myths. As far as George Washington goes he was pretty virtuous. That the majority of the “ founding fathers” were Christians isn’t open to debate. People did learn useful skills n slavery, not a classroom any of us would chose but a fact none the less.
SPC Carl Davis
SPC Carl Davis
11 mo
I think that's the problem.
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