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Responses: 2
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
"Christian military academy..." Um...I feel like that's a total contradiction putting Christian and military together based on Jesus' teachings. I feel like he would be against military being associated with his teachings...then again no Chrisitians actually follow their prophet's teaching and some are starting to call him "woke" Jesus.

This literally makes no sense and putting "Christian" in front of it doesn't make it better. "...they are not exposted to LGBTQ, CRT or 'woke' teachings." So what happens when they go into the real world and run into people who are in the LGBTQIA community? Also not one conservative actually knows what critical race theory is...it's only taught in grad level legal courses. And "woke" - give me a break.

"We believe hat our children are more than capable of making their own decisions and that they deserve a safe and nurturing environment to thrive in..." LOL yet you have to create this "academy" to brainwash and isolate them.

"The post added that students will wear "military-inspired" uniforms and noted that they will be encouraging "parents, grandparents, and mentors to participate by wearing the uniform, fostering a sense of community and support."' --- Oh this doesn't sound fascist at all (/s). What in the actual f* is going on? Are they gonna make a special salute too?
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Sounds interesting.
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