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SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D
They are everywhere, not in Puerto Rico.
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CPL LaForest Gray
V1 : https://youtu.be/xwe04oXZcQQ?si=1BVJlGLyrg7NatXc

1.) This Activewear Brand Wants to Be Lululemon for Fascists

Will2Rise is marketing “militant active wear” to white nationalist Active Clubs, which train members for street combat

* SEPTEMBER 24, 2023 10:00AM EDT

Conservatives opposed to shopping at “woke” corporations have launched their own lines of pillows, piss beer, and mobile phone service.

Now, unabashed white supremacists are setting up shop in this so-called parallel economy. 

Consider the fascist fashion house Will2Rise.

Will2Rise makes sports gear for white nationalists — including muscle-tees, track jackets, “militant active wear pants,” boxing gloves, and hoodies emblazoned with “Cultured Thug.”

Leaving no doubt about its politics, the company’s gear is branded with stylized silhouette of a fasces — the ancient Roman symbol (consisting of a bundle of wood with a protruding ax head) later embraced by far-right Italian militants, spawning the term “fascist.”

The company specifically markets to members of Active Clubs, a global network of white supremacists who “tribe and train.” The members of these tight-knit local chapters pursue street-fighter fitness in advance of an anticipated race war, or other violent confrontation. Rather than the Hawaiian shirts and AK-47s that characterize extremists like the Boogaloo Bois, the Active Club aesthetic is gym-wear and mixed martial arts prowess. Will2Rise sells training hoodies and tight-fitting ringer tees labeled, “ACTIVE CLUB.”

Will2Rise is also playing the role of a corporate sponsor for white supremacy events. The company staged a second-annual MMA tournament this August, in a Huntington Beach warehouse decorated with white-power flags. Hosted by the SoCal Active Club, the contests featured fighter representatives from the Tennessee Active Club, Big Sky Active Club, Great Lakes Active Club, Evergreen Active Club, as well as from Patriot Front, another high-profile, white-nationalist group. Many of the fighters sported Will2Rise boxing gloves and other apparel. 

Think of the brand as Lululemon for white-power bros. The company touts its commitment to “bringing high-quality goods to Our guys.” Its white-power symbols are often coded. Many items for sale carry the Roman numeral XIV, or 14. For the neo-Nazi set, that’s a reference to the “14 words,” a dark oath about securing “the existence of our people and a future for white children.” A video montage on the slick Will2Rise homepage is more explicit. It flashes the words “white youth revolt,” “white unity,” and the slogan “action today, victory tomorrow.”

SOURCE : https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/active-clubs-will2rise-activewear-fascist [login to see] /amp/

2.) The Far Right’s Secret Weapon: Fascist Fashion

Europe's flourishing niche industry is spreading to the U.S., offering shirts and paraphernalia featuring neo-Nazi symbols in less overt forms.

February 26, 2019

At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be much out of the ordinary about them. A t-shirt showing a mountain and deer and the slogan “Respect Nature.” A black polo shirt with black, white, and red piping and a small circular logo. A sweater showing a child on a parent’s shoulders at a soccer match, holding up a supporter’s scarf, with “Keep the Tradition” underneath.

But look a bit closer. That symbol behind the deer? It’s a black sun, a common neo-Nazi symbol adapted from a floor mosaic in Heinrich Himmler’s SS Generals’ Hall. That logo on the polo shirt? It looks like a broken sun cross-style swastika. And the child on his parent’s back? He’s got the number 88 on their back—neo-Nazi code for “Heil Hitler.”

And there’s more where these came from. Far-right fashion in Europe has become a niche industry over the past decade. Brands big and small have given everyone from hardened neo-Nazis to young men flirting with the far-right subcultures a way to express themselves that doesn’t fit neatly into what many think a far-right extremist is supposed to look like.

But it’s hardly just about looking cool or tough, or playing coy little games with adults who aren’t well-versed in the subtleties of fascist symbolism; far-right fashion can help extremist devotees, especially young men, build a stronger sense of belonging and brotherhood, and even act as a gateway to radicalization. And those who have their eyes on the far-right fashion scene in Europe think the U.S. is next.

SOURCE : https://newrepublic.com/article/153161/far-rights-secret-weapon-fascist-fashion

3.) 'Lululemon for white-power bros': Clothing line targets fascists seeking 'streetfighter fitness' for race war


After sponsoring several fighters, a California clothing firm with ties to racist skinheads is banned by mixed martial arts leagues

Three major Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) leagues have banned a "street wear" clothing company with ties to the racist skinhead movement. But the California-based company, Hoelzer Reich, continues to make inroads into mainstream youth culture by providing money and free garments to at least some professional MMA fighters and motorcycle racers.

These athletes then wear the clothes, much of which displays Nazi imagery, in public appearances and in merchandise such as posters and screen savers.

Hoelzer Reich's enlistment of fighters is troubling because of MMA's skyrocketing popularity with young men aged 18-34 — a prized demographic not only for advertisers, but also for white supremacist recruiters. Televised MMA events since 2007 have routinely drawn 3 million to 6 million viewers, beating out NASCAR, Major League Baseball and National Hockey League sporting events in both the 18-34 and 18-49 male categories, according to Nielsen ratings.

In addition to the athletes, Hoelzer Reich also supports longtime white power musician Ed Wolbank, the former leader of the Northern Hammerskins, a notorious skinhead group.

SOURCE : https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2010/clothing-company-racist-ties-banned-mma-leagues
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
1 y
CPL LaForest Gray I Heard, Pretty Troubling to Hear that Lulumon is Catering to Fascist
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel

It’s been ongoing under the radar … it’s the new kkk hood to conceal their identity but communicate community via what seems like ordinary, not out the place symbols … most don’t think about or take a second look.

Decoding the hate symbols seen at the Capitol insurrection

From Viking hammers to flags of fictional countries, many rioters shared an inside visual handshake to acknowledge their white nationalist identity. Here’s where it came from

“The Confederate flag, first swung on the country’s battlefields by secessionist states who saw their future in the enslavement of others; the gallows and noose, shorthand for the terrorization of African-Americans under Jim Crow as well as quick and dirty frontier justice.”

SOURCE : https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/decoding-hate-symbols-seen-at-capitol-insurrection
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
1 y
CPL LaForest Gray - 21 Years in Cryptology. Not Much Decoding Necessary in their Fascist White Christian Nationalism Symbology. They're Not that Bright or Original.
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
That's hilarious! You've bought into the "fitness is toxic masculinity" and elevated it to white nationalism. Yet another baseless opinion piece that tries to put men on the defensive while soy boys are the desired outcome.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
1 y
There are 10s of thousands of fitness clubs in America and they called out (checks article) 46 of them. That seems to be pretty far from a claim of fitness being toxic masculinity. Perhaps some have made that claim, but this article isn't it.
PO3 Shayne Seibert
PO3 Shayne Seibert
1 y
The feminization of men has created a whole new category for the left to target and cancel. Fitness buffs. Because being physically fit is a challenge that the left doesn't like, so how better to turn people off from those groups than to write an opinion piece saying that they are covers for far right militias. Yeah, they probably like guns, and boats and trucks and women, but that doesn't make them violent in reality. It's just another thing that the left will attempt to cancel because fitness is the antithesis of anything they want for the population.
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