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Responses: 3
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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1 y
Thanks for the backup. You will not change the mind of political activists, when they can’t win with facts they attack the character of who they are arguing with. Heck I’ve been called some bad Biden’s here on RP.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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1 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler They are in the open for all to see, one only needs to open their eyes snd ears.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
1 y
SFC (Join to see) - To be clear... I HIGHLY doubt it was intentional... I do not believe any sane person on the left or right would honor or even likes Nazis. What this highlights is that people are far too busy tripping over themselves to say "I support Ukraine" that they do not actually assess the situations objectively. To them this is no more than a political tool and not a genuine desire to help the people of Ukraine. What my initial post highlights is the inability of those who look only at the media source's URL/brand, ignore the content, and fail to realize it is being reported pretty much by everyone. Why? Maybe they're too busy tripping over themselves to say, "I support the Ukraine" while using the issues as a political tool for a simplistic means to criticize those who want a more measured approach.
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Sara Lucas
Good grief..do they not have google?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Yes, we still have google, bing, and a bunch of other stuff. Have you noticed over time we don't get the same search results we used to? I then remembered one name exactly and the site came up. It appears most of the tech companies control what they perceive as Progressive and Conservative content. When I type in a search, I am overwhelmed with Progressive content sites. I get very few results for Conservative content.

In the case of a simple name, it's difficult for them to hide, but they hide much from up. Just explaining an important fact I noticed some years ago.
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CPT Lawrence Cable
Edited 1 y ago
Right Sector and Azov Brigade are real Neo Nazis too, but we didn't seem to have too much problem when they were rolled up into the Ukraine National Army.
I've pointed out before that Stepan Banderas is a national hero and another real NAZI.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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I wasn't that aware of him and am doing some catching up...
Article Quotes: "Ukrainian emigrants in the West revered Bandera. In western Ukraine, a veritable cult emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union; there are museums, monuments and streets named in his honor.

Elsewhere in Ukraine, in particular in the east, many people believed in Soviet historiography. They did not take a favorable view of Bandera, and saw him exclusively as a Nazi collaborator. Under pro-Western politician Ukrainian Viktor Yushchenko, who became president in 2005, Bandera was awarded the title "Hero of Ukraine." His successor, pro-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych, had the title revoked."
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
1 y
SFC (Join to see) - You need to get something before the Invasion to get to the bottom that this man deserved.

SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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CPT Lawrence Cable - Article Quotes: “Ukrainian sources confirmed that “fighting people in the homeland … [were] not prepared to accept [Bandera] as a dictator,” and that Bandera’s program “was unacceptable to the resistance movement inside [Ukraine].”

Because Bandera effectively promoted his own legend, and because the Soviets were behind his death, émigrés who did not know any better labeled him as the martyred leader of Ukrainians abroad.

It is more gratifying to know that by the time of Stepan Bandera’s death, most Ukrainian leaders had long rejected him as a dangerous charlatan who harmed his own cause.”

I suppose for me the 3 quotes above are the most important. Bandera basically fought to be dictator in Ukraine and rightly was rejected. As time passed their people forgot about Bandera working for the Nazis and “reimagined” him as a hero because the USSR assassinated him. It appears he was a petty person who worked for his own gain and didn’t care much about anyone except for himself.
Thanks for some good reading.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Don't forget the part that the organizations he lead were responsible for some pretty serious massacres. Maybe a petty person, but one that probably should have been prosecuted as a war criminal. Not a nice person.
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