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Responses: 4
MSG Stan Hutchison
Many of the "have" countries" are being flooded with people from the "have not" countries. Is revolution in the air? By who?
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Maj Kim Patterson
There are lots of anonymous helpers in every path. I believe God has the final say. My family came from overseas centuries ago. We military families move country to country. What would we do if they kick us out? Just musing.. PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
10 mo
Maj Kim Patterson My Scottish Ancestors had to Leave the Old Country, Something about being "Highwaymen" and We Had to Stick with the New Country after becoming Traitors to the Crown "The British are Coming" (No Paul Revere didn't Ride Alone that Night). My English Ancestors had to Leave the Old Country, Once Again Traitors to the Crown and Catholic Terrorist, The Gunpowder Plot. They Founded MARYland (Queen of Saints) LOL!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
10 mo
Maj Kim Patterson My German Ancestors left the Religious Wars of What Became Germany to the New Zion for German Speakers, Missouri and Southern Illinois. We Killed Each other in the Old Country over "Christianity" and Came together in the New Country over Our Shared Language, German.
Maj Kim Patterson
Maj Kim Patterson
10 mo
My paternal lineage has records back to the 1600s. My mother’s mother came over from Ireland and her father came from France. My paternal grandmother was a Puritan and grandfather a Mason. My deceased aunt meticulously researched the family history. My mother was raised by the Catholic Church and my father let her decide how we children were raised.
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
..."France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, who greeted the Pope upon his arrival in Marseille on Friday, said the country would not welcome any migrants coming from the island.

Some 8,500 people arrived on Lampedusa on 199 boats between Monday and Wednesday last week, according to the UN’s International Organization for Migration.

Pope Francis said on Saturday that migration was not an emergency, but rather “a reality of our times, a process that involves three continents around the Mediterranean and that must be governed with wise foresight, including a European response”. “There is a cry of pain that resonates most of all, and it is turning the Mediterranean, the ‘mare nostrum’, from the cradle of civilization into the ‘mare mortuum’, the graveyard of dignity: it is the stifled cry of migrant brothers and sisters,” he said, using Latin terms meaning “our sea” and “sea of death”.

He also called for “an ample number of legal and regular entrances” of migrants, particularly those fleeing war, hunger and poverty, rather than on “preservation of one’s own well-being”.

The Pope’s remarks echoed his message on Friday that it was a duty of humanity to rescue migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean.

The 86-year-old warned governments against the “fanaticism of indifference” and “paralysis of fear”, saying that “people who are at risk of drowning when abandoned on the waves must be rescued”."...
Sgt Sheri Lynn
Sgt Sheri Lynn
9 mo
SGT (Join to see) these words really move me. Thanks for adding them to the comments. What a dilemma the world finds itself in. So many needs, so many difficult choices and decisions. I’m going to start including this issue specifically in my prayers. Our country, other countries, and the struggle of all the oppressed.
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