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Responses: 3
MSG Stan Hutchison
and what do you think we should do about that?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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I don't know. Usually, Socialists and Communists destroy religion and families to gain total control over their populations. What do you suggest to restore families in the United States?
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SSG Environmental Specialist
Before FDR and then LBJ and all their social programs the African American population had a higher % of two parent familys than White Americans.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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I didn't know that. Interesting.
SSG Environmental Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
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SFC (Join to see) - And in reply to MSG Hutchinson, I never post anything that has not been looked up, but if he is too lazy to look it up as well that is on him and his own ignorance. But here is the source pubs.aeweb.org. before 1960 the rate of African American children with only one parent was 33% by 1960 it shot to 61%. I never realized how rank means very little when it comes to intellegnce.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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SSG (Join to see) - I know Stanly well. I keep him around so people can see both sides of and argument and then decide how they want to be. I honestly believe he has made more Conservative people than he can believe. MHO
SSG Environmental Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
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SFC (Join to see) - I was done with him years ago.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Once again SSG Phelps post something with no source, and I cannot even ask him his source because he has me blocked!
How about it, Sarge? Got a source to back your claim?
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
1 y
CMSgt (Join to see) - Thank you. That did not seem to support SSG Phelps claim though.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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MSG Stan Hutchison - Stanly, I down vote you for trolling on one of my posts. If you are blocked it’s probably because you were trolling in the first place. We all know how you are. If you want to get blocked by me also just keep on going. I blocked you once and decided to give you a second chance.

You are a Socialist radical that may not even be aware you are being used. You troll others using Rule 8 as defined by Mr. Alinsky. A quote from the attached article: “What is really interesting about the use of Alinsky’s simplistic tactics is that they were designed to be used by people with low intelligence – those whose lips move when they read.”

To be truthful with you, I endure your radical harassment so people can compare what you do vs. honest debate… so everyone can see how when you can’t hold up your end of an argument you attack and ask endless meaningless questions to deflect the truth, and when finally faced with ultimate proof you attack the source, like Fox or the NY Times or anyone… or just keep saying you don’t believe any information you are provided. I honestly don’t know how anyone that served the way we did can push Socialism and Communism the way you do. We served around the world and witnessed firsthand the shit holes that Socialist and Communist countries are… I just don’t know.

I suppose at the end of the day your tactics push more people toward being Conservative than I ever could.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
1 y
SFC (Join to see) - I have never "push Socialism and Communism!"

Just because I question does not mean I do not understand. I just don't take opinions and allegations as fact.
Block me all you want, I will continue to question.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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