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Responses: 6
SGT Ruben Lozada
Good afternoon LTC Eugene Chu. Excellent post. Thank You for sharing this Colonel.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Anyone here want to miss paydays because of this? Probably not.

Here is a link showing the results of the 4 shut-downs in the past:

AN Ron Wright
AN Ron Wright
1 y
nobody wants to miss a paycheck but....
how long do you think we can sustain this inflation???
how much will this cost your grandchildrens CHILDREN ??????????????
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
1 y
And that's what the democrats are counting on, voters who live for today and don't give a hoot about the next generation. Shutdowns are always the GOP's fault. Because the democrats are incapable of fiduciary responsibility.
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
It might be a good thing.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
1 y
PV2 Larry Sellnow - a whole lot less wasteful spending of the people’s money.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
1 y
PV2 Larry Sellnow - no arguments about the congressmen.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
1 y
It might be a dual-edged sword, the government shutdown may make them actually come together because when one side is too stubborn doesn't want to compromise, this actually makes things happen. I know my military retirement pay won't be affected. Democrats used to compromise, they don't compromise anymore and they don't abide by the law either as we can see how they are treating president Trump with indictments but they're only doing it now because they're afraid Trump may actually get the nomination and all the polls show that even if it's Senator Tim Scott or Nikki Haley or vice president pence, they all beat President Biden in a poll because President Biden is probably the worst president since President Grant during the post Civil War reconstruction. President Trump may be up there but this is not over so I'm not including him yet but President Biden doesn't win friends and influence people walking out of a ceremony honoring a Vietnam veteran who won the Medal of Honor walking away like Mr Magoo probably because he forgot his ice cream was melting.
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