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LTC Kevin B.
Alarmist headline.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
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CPL LaForest Gray
What’s funny on ALL these feeds here on Rally Point about the “protection of the 2nd Amendment” and “they’re coming for our guns/weapons”.

Yet when I have posted actual evidence of Historical FACTS of legislation stripping away the “rights” under the 2nd Amendment it’s quite. No one goes see that’s a REAL EXAMPLE of them stripping away gun rights using the pen.

Maybe it don’t fit people politically partisan lines.

Maybe it don’t fit ethnic lines.

The rules of the 2nd Amendment means nothing to myself because others used the pen and force, to brainwash people to lose/surrender their birthright to protect themselves.

Those that made those rules to disarm did it for their safety and ability to abuse as a FACT.

So for myself regardless of ANY legislation currently in the works or in the future that strips away the right of self-protection/self-preservation never has nor will it EVER apply to myself.

I have FACTS of history to know better.

Also interesting those that love to defend the 2nd Amendment are silent when I post the FACTS of ( “African Americans/Black People/Colored/Negro/The African/The Backs/The Coloreds/The “N-Word”) being ACTUAL victims of what they fear happing to themselves …. Silence.

You’d think that they would use it to strengthen their 2nd amendment arguments.

1.) The Secret History of the Second Amendment as an African-American Civil Right
AUGUST 30, 2021

Florida law in 1825 authorized white people to “enter into all Negro houses” and “lawfully seize and take away all such arms, weapons, and ammunition

In 1825, Florida’s “Act to Govern Patrols” provided that white citizens “shall enter into all negro houses and suspected places, and search for arms and other offensive or improper weapons, and may lawfully seize and take away all such arms, weapons, and ammunition.”

An Act concerning patrols, in Compilation of the Public Acts of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, Passed Prior to 1840, at 65 (John P. Duval ed., 1839).

* Race and Slavery Based
* Florida

Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any patrol of this Territory, to take from any slave or slaves any fire-arms, or other dangerous weapons, to be delivered by said patrol to the justice of the peace of said district . . . .

Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any slave, free negro, or mulatto, to keep or retain in his or their house or houses, any fire-arms whatsoever, and it is hereby made the duty of the patrol to search negro houses or other suspected places for fire-arms, and if any they find, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, may take the same to the nearest justice of the peace, who may proceed therewith as directed in a preceding section of this act; and the negro or negroes, in whose possession the same may be found, on failing to give a plain and satisfactory account of the manner he or they came possessed of the same, may be severally punished by moderate whipping on the bare back, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes.

SOURCE : https://firearmslaw.duke.edu/laws/an-act-concerning-patrols-in-compilation-of-the-public-acts-of-the-legislative-council-of-the-territory-of-florida-passed-prior-to-1840-at-65-john-p-duval-ed-1839/

The above FACTS is what legislation what actual “Gun Control” & “Stripping Away the 2nd Amendment” looks like.

It was done around the United States of America and not just a few isolated places.

Everything posted is based on American documented historical FACTS, You’re welcomed.
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