Posted on Aug 24, 2023
Providers in Ohio prepare for new patients as Indiana's near-total abortion ban goes into effect
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
This is why the proposed amendment was killed Aug 3rd. People are looking to overturn the Heartbeat bill at the ballot box and didn't want it to be harder than 50% + 1.
Unfortunately that means all other proposals will also be easier to pass, I can see some looney crap coming down the pike.
Unfortunately that means all other proposals will also be easier to pass, I can see some looney crap coming down the pike.
MSgt Dale Johnson
LCpl James Klinicki - I was there for about 6 months after returning fom Thailand. I did not care for working on the A-7s, too many ways to get hurt and FOD was a headache in them.
MSgt Dale Johnson
LCpl James Klinicki - Believe it or not I didn't go off base much. I missed my Lady who because of a paperwork snafu had to remain in Thailand and as an E-4 I was saving as much money as I could to pay for her Airline Ticket. I went to the Beach once or twice but mostly worked at the Auto Hobby shop on my GTO and some friends cars we did engine work on.
MSgt Dale Johnson
SGT Charlie Lee - Nothing wrong with Majority Rule, but when considering the weight of the document they want to change, the Constitution of the State of Ohio, IMHO there should be more than just 50% +1. If an Amendment is a good amendment then 60 % shouldn't be hard to obtain. The way it is between the cities of Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, and Cincinnati they are not far from having the required majority.
SFC Terry Stinnett
This was to be a change to the State Constitution, which, if history is any indication, (written when only white males had input) they used to think was fine, just fine.
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