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CPL LaForest Gray
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CPL LaForest Gray
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CPL LaForest Gray

1.) Vauhxx Booker : black activist details 'attempted lynching' by group of white men in Indiana – video


2.) FBI investigating reported Indiana alleged lynching attempt

Warning: Video contains disturbing content. Discretion is advised. The FBI and Justice Department said this week they are investigating an alleged “attempted lynching” incident in Indiana after a Black activist said he was attacked by a group of white people after accidentally walking through private property near Lake Monroe on July 4.


3.) 2 Indiana men charged in assault on Black man, threat to ‘get a noose’
Sean Purdy and Jerry Cox II were charged criminal confinement and battery

Casey Smith, Associated Press
July 17, 2020


*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.

Soooooo ...

Then we’ve got ...

2020 Possible Lynching Victims :

1.) #DominiqueAlexander, 27, Found Hanging From a tree in Fort Tryon Park in Manhattan, New York
June 9, 2020

SOURCE : https://www.bet.com/article/2z4tkm/three-black-men-found-hanging-spark-calls-for-lynching-probe

2.) #RobertFuller, 24, Found Hanging From a Tree Near City Hall in Palmdale, California, on June 10, 2020

SOURCE : https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/21295670/robert-fuller-malcolm-harsch-hanging-history-lynching

3.) #Unidentified Man Found Hanging From a Tree in the Shady Acres Neighborhood of Houston, Texas, on June 15, 2020

SOURCE 1 : https://www.bet.com/article/19ocih/man-found-dead-and-hanging-from-a-tree-in-houston

SOURCE 2 : https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/four-black-men-hanging-deaths/

4.) #JulianHeywardIII, 67, Found hanged on his Haiku porch in Maui, Hawaii Heyward was found deceased at around 6:36 p.m. on Aug. 10, 2020.

SOURCE : https://mauialert.com/demonstrators-push-for-investigation-into-haiku-death-case-p1648-172.htm

5.) #NevanBaker, 22, Found Hanging From a Tree in Barker Park on Monte Carlo Trail near Camping World Stadium, Orlando, FL Oct. 5, 2020

SOURCE : https://mynews13.com/fl/orlando/news/2020/10/12/family--crump-want-full-investigation-into-nevan-baker-s-death#:~:text=on%20October%205.-,The%20medical%20examiner%20ruled%20Baker's%20death%20a%20suicide%20by%20hanging,at%20321%2D235%2D5300.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
10 mo

October 12, 2021
Human Rights Hero: Billie Holiday

An Uncommon Heroine (April 7, 1915–July 17, 1959)
by Hon. Ernestine Steward Gray (Ret.)

Generally, when we think of a heroine, someone like Billie Holiday doesn’t usually come to mind. This article is written to show why that is a mistake and to highlight what we (old and young alike) can learn from Holiday, who was a strong woman who embodied the fight for racial justice.

Born Eleanora Fagan and later nicknamed Lady Day, Holiday’s commitment to fighting racial injustice arose from personal tragedies and multiple traumas she experienced in her life, which included her father’s death when he was denied medical treatment because of racial prejudice.

At age nine, she was brought before the juvenile court for truancy (skipping school), removed from her mother’s care, and sent to a Catholic reform school as the disposition in her case. At age 11, she dropped out of school and was the victim of attempted rape. In order to “protect her as a state witness,” she was sent again to the Catholic boarding school.

After her release, she worked in a brothel alongside her mother.

Before she even turned 14, she experienced child commercial sexual exploitation (commonly referred to as sex trafficking). Violence and abuse would follow her throughout her life.

At some point in her career, she became addicted to drugs. In 1939, at the age of 23, her struggle with addiction was compounded by racist policing of Black jazz artists, and she became the target of harassment by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. In 1947, she was arrested on drug charges and had to defend herself in court pro se because no public defender would represent her. Rather than receive the treatment she needed, she was incarcerated for a year.

“Strange Fruit” became Holiday’s battle cry. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics, allegedly believing that the song would incite riots, forbade Holiday from singing the song at her performances. However, Holiday would not comply and usually closed all of her engagements with the singing of “Strange Fruit.”

SOURCE : https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/empowering-youth-at-risk/human-rights-hero/

2.) Was Billie Holiday targeted by the federal government?

Head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics Harry Anslinger specifically targeted Black jazz musicians while handling white drug users gently.

He even intervened in one of Judy Garland’s fights with her studio, insisting she be sent to rehab.

Holiday received her first threat from the bureau shortly after she first sang “Strange Fruit,” a musical protest of lynching, to a nonsegregated audience.

In 1959 Holiday was arrested for drug possession for the final time from her hospital bed.

Denied methadone treatment and again left to detox without adequate health care, Holiday died under federal watch at age 44.

SOURCE : https://www.britannica.com/video/221334/United-States-versus-Billie-Holiday
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