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Responses: 1
LTC David Brown
It didn’t go poof. Wray had no answer for garnering bank records from Bank America with out a warrant, no answer for declaring parents at school board meetings as terrorist and monitoring them, no answer for labeling Catholics as terrorists. It went on and on. No answer to Biden’s chat with a Russian communist party member that sounded like extortion. N answer for FBI censorship during the last election.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 y
Wray had no answers for silly questions? Strange... You would think knowing he would be dealing with Trumpublicans he would have prepared more to answer silly, no-pertinent questions. How are you feeling about the "Patriot Act" now that people that call themselves "patriots" are conducting themselves as domestic terrorists?
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
1 y
So mothers and fathers concerned about pornography in schools are domestic terrorists? Catholics demonstrating at abortion centers are Domestic terrorists? Not knowing what information was ILLEGALLY obtained from Bank of America on US citizens is silly? Better read your constitution you swore to defend again.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 y
LTC David Brown - If they are acting like domestic terrorists and making threats like domestics terrorists and attacking U.S. installations like domestic terrorists, then call them what they are. Terrorists have kids too and are very concerned about who is influencing their children. The tactics they use are what defines them.

To which part of the Constitution and/or the oath are you referring? Are you forgetting the part where you swore to defend against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic... like the ones that attacked the U.S. Capitol? There was nothing in there about making excuses for them because you agree with their politics.
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