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Responses: 2
SGT Ruben Lozada
Excellent post. Thank You for sharing this shipmate. I don't think this would be a good concept. Being that a lot of Navy recruiters don't like to come in on a Saturday when they can be home. Why not extend their work ours during the week? It's not like they're on a base working long hours like other active duty Sailors do.
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
Get them on 12 hour shifts. I walk by some recruiting stations and they are out the door at 1700. You want recruits, you have to be available when they are available and that is usually after school or after their parents are off work to visit with recruiters. Weekends don't really matter much, but it wouldn't hurt to rotate weekends as well, if there are multiple recruiters in an office.
It's the military for God's sake. It's not a civilian gig. Do what needs done to accomplish the mission and quit whining about it.
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