Posted on Jun 28, 2023
Global heat waves show climate change and El Niño are a bad combo
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Global warming is inevitable. Last fall, I went to a natural history display at a museum here in Edmonton alberta, it showed the tree line over thousands of years and the tree line had gone way up over thousands of years and also had gone down. The tree line goes up when the earth gets warmer and it goes down when the earth gets cooler up in the high mountains. Currently, the tree line is in the middle so don't listen to stupid AOC and the other wackos telling you that the Earth is going to have outer control weather and that Earth is going to turn into some warm place like Venus if we don't get rid of all our pizza ovens, Argentine Steakhouse ovens and matzo bread Ovens that run on coal or wood or if we don't get rid of our internal combustion engine and if we don't don't all go to wind and solar that we are doomed.
What aboutisms is it effect and I can say no without feeling guilty to The Climate scientists that will cancel your project if it doesn't have the same premise as theirs that the Earth is warming because man is at fault. When Dr fauci says I am science, you know he's full of shit and some of the climate change scientists are just the same that if you have a climate change scientist at disputes them, you must be a trump supporter or wacko. No, science was always supposed to allow for minority opinions not making it a religion like the transgender movement or the climate change movement. It is not a religion, questions concerning warming Trends are supposed to be discussed, reviewed and modified if necessary. I also included how China is building coal fire power plants faster than President Biden is spending money.
I also show you some climate chest science slides that show the conundrum and the climate science community and that's why they want to shut up dissenting voices because it goes against their narrative even though India and China are the biggest polluters and China isn't getting rid of it's Coal Fired power plants while India is going to switch supposedly to Natural Gas by 2060. AOC is full of shit when she says we have 10 years to fix this because those two countries of India and China want 37 years to fix this but they'll probably lie and cheat as much as OPEC producers do when they pretend to agree to cut production.
The way President Biden is acting wimpy in front of China over Taiwan, watch there be a limited nuclear war and all these trillions of dollars into the green New Deal will be a waste.
What aboutisms is it effect and I can say no without feeling guilty to The Climate scientists that will cancel your project if it doesn't have the same premise as theirs that the Earth is warming because man is at fault. When Dr fauci says I am science, you know he's full of shit and some of the climate change scientists are just the same that if you have a climate change scientist at disputes them, you must be a trump supporter or wacko. No, science was always supposed to allow for minority opinions not making it a religion like the transgender movement or the climate change movement. It is not a religion, questions concerning warming Trends are supposed to be discussed, reviewed and modified if necessary. I also included how China is building coal fire power plants faster than President Biden is spending money.
I also show you some climate chest science slides that show the conundrum and the climate science community and that's why they want to shut up dissenting voices because it goes against their narrative even though India and China are the biggest polluters and China isn't getting rid of it's Coal Fired power plants while India is going to switch supposedly to Natural Gas by 2060. AOC is full of shit when she says we have 10 years to fix this because those two countries of India and China want 37 years to fix this but they'll probably lie and cheat as much as OPEC producers do when they pretend to agree to cut production.
The way President Biden is acting wimpy in front of China over Taiwan, watch there be a limited nuclear war and all these trillions of dollars into the green New Deal will be a waste.
Just roll with the punches because the way things are going right now with this US government and our dumb president focusing strictly on climate change as being the biggest existential threat, watch a nuclear war ruin the whole thing and all your Eco left people are going to commit suicide if not get blown up in the cities they live in because our enemies pounce on us because our president is Mr Magoo.
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Article is free of charge once you register with National Geographic.
Regional nuclear war could trigger global cooling and famine
Even a limited nuclear conflict could spark "unprecedented climate change," U.S. government scientists warn.
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