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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
Edited 1 y ago
Is Fox News run by schizophrenics? If they keep trying to run left and right oriented news simultaneously, they're going to end up in the laughing academy
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Interesting, this media source kept quiet about Santos and those SC judges undisclosed gifts...
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Jack, this is Bernie. You taught me why Liberals vote for Democrats time and time again even though it’s against their morals and best interest. I paid attention. Speaking about Schizophrenia, it might be more applicable for Liberals. Might your natural bias be showing? :)

I don’t know about Fox News Leadership possibly having Schizophrenia. Regarding news about Schiff being censured, it is irrelevant. Don’t fall into the trap of the Left making personal attacks on people, or in this case news organizations, who publish material that the Left can’t refute. We’ve seen personal attacks time after time when they are trying to divert attention away from an issue the Left don’t want people to see and understand. In this case I personally witnessed Schiff making the statement on the ABC Evening News (we always watch when we can), that he had personally seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. I remember it vividly.

I assure you Schizophrenia is not part of my thought process. I look at news from all news outlets AND then see if it is true. In a case like this story, when I physically heard the object making the statement on the evening news it’s easy for me to chock it up in the “true” column. You see the news organization doesn’t play into it. If I can find some information on both sides of an issue, I dig a little deeper and see if proper context is applied to the subject material. 7 out of 10 times I can make up my mind what is right/correct. Sometimes we just can’t tell the truth from the poor reporting that was performed, in that case we have to say: We just don’t know. I often comment on poor reporting when an outlet doesn't provide enough information or omits information in an attempt to support their Progressive views. While I comment on the quality of a news organization for reporting poor reporting, I try never to condemn the truth that may be in the article. I try to separate it, the issues.

I guess my question to you is: Are you saying Schiff never said he personally saw evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia? You didn’t mention your knowledge of this central issue of the article I posted.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
1 y
SFC (Join to see) - We are talking about Fox News, aren't we? The cable news network that recently cleaned house and lost their conservative audience. Schiff? I don't consider him Left or Right. He's just an asshole without principles. No, my comment was very well founded in the apparent conflict between reporting Schiff's perfidy while, at the same time, firing those commentators who regularly exposed Schiff's perfidy. Seems schizophrenic to me. As for my bias? That has nothing to do with my comment.
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CPT Jack Durish - "He's just an asshole without principles." I like that; but he's a dangerous asshole without principles. I also don't like much of what Fox has done but from what I see they're still the most honest network. Considering the company they keep that doesn't say too much.
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SFC Instructor
Source: From Faux news rlmao...
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It’s interesting you made no comments about the information in the article I posted and only condemned the news outlet. I can appreciate that you may believe you have a slam dunk. I explain my thought process about separating facts from feelings about news organizations in my conversation with CPT Durish, you may read it if you wish. While CPT Durish started out using some sarcasm, he did so in a way that provides a way to carry on a decent conversation. It appears your way is just to throw mud. That works for some people, not for me.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
1 y
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Good morning Chip. Article quotes:
“Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence”
“Overall, we rate Fox News right biased based on editorial positions”.
Fact Check sites say anything the writer wants them to. In this of at least they are honest. They call Fox biased based on editorial positions, NOT their news positions. That little omission is the different between honesty and spin.
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SGT Ruben Lozada
Excellent post. Thank You for sharing this.
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