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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Not a Good Look when they got Busted on Social Media for their Blatant Fascism!
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SFC Casey O'Mally
I am sure that at one point in time, Hitler said "I like blondes."
Now, is every guy who expresses his preference for vlondes a Nazi?

Just because Hitler said it does not automatically make it untrue or Nazi. Let's look beyond WHO said it to WHAT was said. Truth is truth, regardless of who says it. And atrocity is atrocity, too. If the Dalai Lama said "Jews are better in the oven," no one would be justified repeating it, just because it was from the Dalai Lama.

But yes, if you own the truth, you gain the future. That is not a Nazi sentiment, it is a true one. And it is why Democrats fight so damned hard to redefine words to their liking.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
10 mo
But PV@ Sellnow, it isn't a BS or a bald-faced lie. It is truth. And that is why the left and their agenda are dominating the education system from kindergarten to post-secondary education. It isn't an accident. The left/liberals/progressives/democrats are playing the long game, in our schools.
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Maj John Bell
Edited 10 mo ago
The fact that Hitler said it does not change the truth of it. Theft has been infiltrating and weaponizing the education system for at least 30 years. It IS NOT Moms for Liberty hijacking the education system to indoctrinate children away from the values of their parents.

By being aware of the methods of Hitlers rise, perhaps we can head those methods off. At every level of education and governance leftists, liberals, progressives and democrats are attempting to discredit and create disfavor for:
_ traditional gender roles
_ traditional sexual mores.
_ capitalism
_ entrepreneurship
_ self-sufficiency
_ individualism
_ free thought
_ free speech
_ 2nd Amendment rights
_ Privacy rights
_ Property rights
_ Merit based outcomes

We are in the midst of a culture war.
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