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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Heat and cold have been killing people from the beginning of time. Didn’t Al Gore’s original scientific study say we would be all dead by the year 2000…. or something like that?
SGT Jim Arnold
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SGT Jim Arnold Thanks for my afternoon chuckle. :)
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Maj Kim Patterson
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel The heat can literally kill me. It also kills babies and animals left in cars. We’ve hit summer, I’m a bit worried about how much my electricity bill will go up.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Electric rates gone up mostly because of Climate Change Policy that has been recently passed the last 20 years or so. The companies and people who advocate for Intermittent energy sources (solar and wind) need energy prices to stay sky high do their products can remain competitive.
Cpl Vic Burk
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LTC Self Employed
Democrats and even the medical associations always put racism with roads, body mass index, Etc or come up with climate changes and climate change that when there's a big fire or what temperatures go up when we know climate change is inevitable even if we all stopped using anything that produces carbon dioxide. Here's a meme from a long time ago. Justin Trudeau tried to convince the Chinese to add a little bit of democracy into their trade deal and they got rebuffed. So do you expect weak and inept President Biden to put pressure on China to cut back on its continuous construction project of building Coal Fired power plants? Even to this day, soldiers who go to South Korea are given a online course about pollution coming in from China and no, it's not the fine dust from their desert that happens on occasion, no we are talking about pollution coming from there equivalent of the Chinese Ruhr industrial area that puts out so much pollution that covers North and South Korea. President Biden's already a fool but he's really going to be stupid if he tries to put pressure on China to cut back when you know they won't!

In the meantime, our dumb president lied to us about the inflation reduction act and he keeps bragging now that it is law that he wants to spend $360 billion dollars plus to buy other countries to switch away from fossil fuels and go green and that means buying Hardware made in communist China that uses electricity from coal fired power plants to make them. Democrats, greenpeace, the Eco left and the science of stupid!

One more thing, if they're talking about the third world war coming between the US and communist China over taiwan, you're going to have 20 years of cooler weather so why not invest into Weaponry instead of paying and bribing other countries to switch to Green energy which China makes money off of?
SFC John Davis SGT Jim Arnold
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