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Responses: 4
SFC Casey O'Mally
It was reportedly 15 dudes. Why are we amplifying their nessage by giving them publicity?

The best way to shut them down? Ignore them. Walk by, pay them no mind. No media coverage.

Instead the rage mongers MUST give them the very thing they want - attention - just to signal their virtue by showing everyone just HOW MAD they are about people like this.

If it was a few hundred folks causing an actual disturbance, I would have a different opinion. But 15 dudes BEGGING for attention?
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
2 y
SFC Casey O'Mally: Solid point, and I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, no one goes that route for obvious reasons and whether or not it negatively or positively effects the Liberals.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
2 y
Why media amplifying this? It's called ratings and profit margins. Especially if media can tie it to the DeSantis and Disney political dispute.
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LTC Self Employed
This plays into the Democrats narrative if these Nazis are saying hail Florida Governor Ron DeSantis or hail Donald Trump as part of the Joy Reid everybody's a white supremacist angry Progressive news mentality some would call zombie Angry Democrats.

I remember at one of the Trump speaking engagements in the last major election, you had leftist protesters and then all of a sudden you had a bunch of Nazis show up and either the left or the Nazis fight each other so you kind of wonder if these people are false flag idiots?

Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SFC John Davis SFC Casey O'Mally SGT (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
2 y
Well if you ever see AntiFa or an extremist group demonstrate with Obama's, Biden's, or Clinton's head on a flag or sign of support then that would play into Republican narratives.
True be told, these incidents aren't deep state operations; just more signs of how screwed up our country is getting. The Blue Brothers clip is funny; the real White Nationalist problem in our country isn't. I haven't seen any Right Wing media or too many of their politicians denounce these kinds of incidents. They in turn call them false flag or just blame Democrats, Liberal media, minorities, or diversity programs.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ James Woods I believe there are white nationalists. But when we had our stand down after the January 6th riot. The military stand down just focused solely on white supremacy and it was a 2018 or 2019 PDF that the Army Reserve was putting out. Nothing was said about the whole year of anarchy. Since my Army reserve unit was 1 hour north of Seattle, I had people in my primary staff that were law enforcement. One of my civil Affairs officers quit the Seattle TV. The city council had gone completely left it and they wanted to get rid of 100 officers and over 250 quit. The one civil Affairs captain in my section went to work for Everett PD and he was one of six or eight who left seattle. Also, it was either antifa or white people being part of the black lying Marxist extremist group that went to harass or attempted to harass the former police chief. The former female police chief would work their way up the rank and eventually resigned a month or two after this incident, was being bothered by anarchists and they had a sore Papa because the locals in the suburbs of Marysville brandished weapons and threatened them if they didn't leave. Luckily, police chief best was at an apartment that the police department assigned to her so she could stay close to her Operation Center and I have to drive home because Seattle traffic sucks Steven trying to go to Marysville 35 miles north is insane. So I do agree there are white supremacists but the media blesses off on the anti-fascist closet fashion and now the nearly bankrupt black lives matter because the money they pimped out of the corporations to try to make reparations mostly went to the females who started the the organization years before. Notice in January 6th they were hardly any weapons fees by the police. I'm talking about firearms. There were more weapons involved in the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting. The anarchists who try to shoot him in the head was luckily shot the bicep by Kyle Rittenhouse and the media went nuts because he walked free and I'm glad he got a big settlement from CNN. I just think we need to have an even handed approach but there are white supremacists and anarchists out there and not just focus on The Blues Brothers Illinois Nazis like we saw in Florida.


I belonged to this command when this happened. I did 25 days of Home station training two weeks after this happened.

Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth PO1 William "Chip" Nagel MSG Joseph Cristofaro SFC John Davis CPL LaForest Gray SFC Casey O'Mally SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D MAJ James Woods
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ James Woods well I'm denouncing it. By the way I meant Seattle Police Department not Seattle television. I was using voice text and I didn't do quality control before I hit send. Ironically, the officer who quit the Seattle Police Department was a Hispanic from Southern California who was in the Navy prior to that as a yeoman and then he went to college in Washington and later became an armor officer. He worked the streets but with all the different restrictions it placed on Seattle police officers, they couldn't do their job. People could sleep right in front of your front doorstep and you couldn't do anything about it unless they physically threatened you. When I asked him about the story about the city hiring a former pimp, that ended up being true and he was so upset he didn't really want to say anything about it. So right now I'm sure Seattle Police Department is at least at 65% strength or so because they cut so much of their Police Department as part of their Summer of Love. He was also working that time when you had that no go Zone where people were getting murdered and druggies were dying everywhere. The sanctuary area in Seattle that just became Anarchy.

I know this is not your fault but minorities including the African American female police chief ended up getting a pay cut and she quit. Yet, the leftist city council had money to hire a pimp for 150 Grand.

This is nothing to do with Nazis but since we are bringing up stupid things like nazis, I wanted to bring up stupid bad governance like Seattle.

Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth PO1 William "Chip" Nagel MSG Joseph Cristofaro CPL LaForest Gray CPL LaForest Gray SFC Casey O'Mally MAJ James Woods SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Not Surprised in the Least! Nazis have been Empowered by the Current Government of the State of Florida!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
2 y
LTC Eugene Chu Having attended A-School in Florida, 2 C-Schools in Florida. I Remember. The KKK was still very much alive in Florida!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
2 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - But their headquarters is in OH! HMMMM
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