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Responses: 7
LTC Self Employed
It is a watered down deal. I can understand their anger. Is not a failure from McCarthy because President Biden has been a failure. President Biden will not be successful with his ads touting how he tried to bring stability when President Biden could have stayed in the basement playing his PlayStation 4 and left everything alone on autopilot and the economy would be doing so much better today. The fake inflation reduction Act and all the other stuff he did just made matters worse and that's why I was 6 trillion dollars he has spent, all he's done is added 16% inflation to everything since he took office. We had a 1.2% inflation rate and a 6% growth rate not a 1% growth rate and an 8% inflation rate. The inflation rate is going down but all of this was preventable and he used up half of our strategic petroleum Reserve just to try to win votes.

The Biden Administration ruins everything that touches and they virtue signal to all the weirdos but they don't do anything for the normal straight person or athletic female.
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LTC Self Employed
NPR will not report on stories reported by Fox because NPR is one of the many media forums that protect the Biden administration at all costs. The Biden Administration also said they would not go after your furnace and your natural gas stove. I make fun of New York officials because they're a bunch of idiots and I know they're going to get their natural gas stove after they're banned for everybody else. That made my own meme a few months ago.

When I hear about Congressional testimony against Biden on regular Fox news, I listen to NPR hourly update and I watch PBS NewsHour and they're always focusing on stupid golf Delta climate change instead. It's not news, it's indoctrination!

You will have more people leave New York when they can't use natural gas to cook. I think New York City made an exemption for one chef but made everybody else switch over to Electric so it is Animal Farm where some are more equal than others.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
I had a pretty good side hustle for a few years after the low volume flush toilet mandate. I'd go to any site where they were demolishing a house or business and salvage the old toilets. I could sell them for more than a new low-volume flush toilet and then I also made good money installing them.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Maj John Bell Democrat Eco Communists I really naive, stupid or both. India still has a lot of coal and they promise to go to Natural Gas by 2070. So while New York State and the Democrats are trying to get rid of natural gas and they will filibuster any Republican measure to stop this stupid obsession, Democrats are going to try to push it through and watch them have similar to 1920s speakeasy restaurants using natural gas after it has been banned by democrats who were Apostles of the Church of the dream but they make exemptions for themselves just like John Kerry does with all his flying around the world in the name of global warming, I mean climate change, I mean climate emergency I mean the biggest swindle in world history.

I'm sure natural gas stoves are going to be the rage and will have a cottage industry to keep them working. We know the governor of New York is a total idiot because she won't remove Alvin Bragg or any George Soros district attorney that's destroying lives and killing people in New York state so we don't expect her to be very bright when it comes to Natural Gas as being one of the cleanest fuels and abundant inside the USA.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SFC John Davis PO3 Shayne Seibert Maj John Bell MSG Thomas Currie AN Catherine Wray-Tully
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MSG Thomas Currie
This sort of stupidity is why the modern GOP never stays in power very long. They are more interested in counting coup on each other than in passing legislation their core supporters expect.

Here's a hint for the GOP: Biden didn't steal the 2020 election -- it was handed to him by the 2017-2018 GOP-controlled Congress! The GOP had a solid majority in both houses of Congress and the White House. So, instead of passing the agenda that got them elected, the GOP-controlled Congress was more concerned about making sure that the "outsider" in the White House didn't get anything he could call a "win". That failure to enact the promised legislation led to the GOP loss of Congress in the 2018 mid-term election and contributed greatly to the Democrat victory in 2020.
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