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Responses: 63
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Another in a series of people using the internet to victimize underage children to satisfy their sick desires. As a parent, this is a flashing neon sign screaming to be heard about monitoring your kids' use of the internet.

I found it particularly scorn-worthy that he contacted the Chinese offering military secrets in exchange for a jailbreak. THAT little item ought to be of interest for a second trial under UCMJ, considering the article only indicates conviction on the sexual counts.
He isn't getting out of jail, ever.
SGT Fire Support Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Isn't getting out of jail ever because I hope he gets "accidentally" mixed in general population, gets raped, and dies of internal bleeding of the ass.
Sgt William Margeson
Sgt William Margeson
8 y
Obviously a disconnect somewhere in his brain. But it does not mitigate what he did.
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SGT Kristin Wiley
I think this article is extremely important because it points out that a servicemember can be perceived as exceptional by their command, but lead a completely different life. If more leaders were open to that fact that these types of people exist we may be able to identify them sooner and prevent this type of behavior from escalating.
MAJ Sr Human Resources Offier
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
I completely agree with you. There are signs... If it's too good to be true, it probably is..
CPT Space Operations And Intelligence Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
You are so right. I faced similar admiration from my ex-husband ' s CoC when we were divorcing due to him domestically abusing me. They just couldn't see him in that light. He wore 2 masks. One for work and one for home.
SGT Kristin Wiley
SGT Kristin Wiley
>1 y
ENS Jeremy Medlen It's not about casting doubt on their work performance. In the Army, part of our NCO creed is "I will know my soldiers and always place their needs above my own." If a soldier was doing this type of stuff in his off-duty time, his first-line leader should be paying attention to know something isn't right. I said the same thing to one of my AF Officer friends this past weekend when he was called in to deal with a suicide. If we extend the effort to know those under our command, we can see and recognize the signs. It's not about doubting their performance at work, but being open-minded to the idea that they might not be so perfect as we would like to think.
SFC(P) Officer Basic Branch Recruiting
SFC(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
His own wife was unaware. His closest family members were unaware. I don't see how members of his CoC would be reasonably expected to know that he had this type of issue, when his most intimate circle did not. I have never reached a level with any of my junior soldiers where I know more about their personal lives than their own spouse. I consider myself a caring and involved leader, but this is not something that could have been discovered unless I were accessing his personal home computer.
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SGT Ben Keen
I personally have been exposed to something similar. A few years ago I worked for a man that from the outside seemed to have it going on. He was working for a good company, married, kids, dogs and himself a small plane pilot. He even flew his plane here for a site visit and took me for a flight so that I could take pictures from the air. I often turned to this guy for both personal and professional advise. He was there to help me when my grandfather passed away, working with the HR department to give me a few extra days to be home with my family following my grandpa's death.

Then to my surprise, and a lot of others, he was arrested and charged for violating young boys. At first, I couldn't believe what the reports were saying. It didn't seem possible. Heck I sat in the same room and worked with this guy over several months, everything seemed "normal". Yet as the reports piled up and more and more people came forward, my support of this guy started to decrease. It all ended a few months ago when he was found dead with a self-inflected gun shot to the head just days before his case was to start at court.

I guess it all goes to show that we may never know the true nature of some people.
SGT Ammunition Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm very sorry you had to go through that, Ben. It really does go to show you that the big, bad monster isn't easy to spot. They could live up the,street from us and be an outstanding member of our community. Just another reason to be vigilant about monitoring our children's activities, on and off the computers.
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