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Responses: 3
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Satan and demons aren't real. Satan isn't even mentioned in the Old Testament. Christians just attribute "satan" to the serpent in the garden with Adam and Eve but nothing in the Old Testament calls the serpent satan. The Hebrew term " śāṭān" was just a common noun that mean "accuser" or "adversary' and was applied to humans.

Some people are just evil - there's no otherworldly reason why. It's just the nature of our species that those people exist for whatever reasons caused it.

I Googled the person's name to find an actual news article about the incident - it's a case of four deranged, sick predators who abused a child and one of them was the kid's parent. I'm not sure how the dad got custody but yet again shows that it's actually not hard for dads to get custody in family court if they just show up and try. That's another topic. Also add in the news article said that months prior to their arrest, the child was removed from the home. So who decided to send the child back? There's another issue with we need to reform the child services system because if they hadn't let the child go back she probably wouldn't have been abused like she was.

It sounds like a lot of systems failed the child - and nothing to do with "satan" or "demons" and merely humans not doing their jobs.
CPT Special Forces Officer
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>1 y
It is impossible for an atheist or an agnostic to validly comment on the existence (or non-existence) of the "spiritual entity" commonly known to the Abrahamic Monotheistic Religions as the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Eblīs, Shaitan, Prince of Darkness, or " the accuser of our brothers". If you were a Christian you would realize that the New Testament is to Christians the completion and not in opposition to the Old Testament (or the Deuterocanonical books).

I wouldn't dream of arguing Atheism or Agnosticism with you. Similarly you are not in a intellectual position to contend with me over something about which you have no knowledge.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
There are those confused and unbalanced that do terrible things. I do not believe it is actually anything to do with politics, religion, or much of anything else except that individual's twisted brain.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y

I found an actual news article about it. Four sick, demented individuals is what it read as.
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MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited >1 y ago
You will find the same among the clergy...

Bible thumpers have lost the moral high ground on this issue as they are just as guilty.

SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
Christians don't like to acknowledge the pedophiles in their midst. Do as I say, not as I do is their motto it seems.
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