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Responses: 4
Maj Kim Patterson
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel every where I go on line talks about Camp Lejune including a cash hungry bunch of lawyers,
LtCol Robert Quinter
LtCol Robert Quinter
>1 y
The going rate for representation is 40% of the recovery. That is for both service members and their families. There's an additional hook for any member who has been drawing awarded VA disability based upon the situation. In my case, I was awarded disability based upon the residual effects of losing a kidney to cancer about 12 years ago. The payback figure is based upon the entire award from the court, INCLUDING THE AMOUNT PAID TO THE ATTORNEY. Although the attorneys correctly make the claim that the court action does not effect your VA eligibility, they fail to mention that while you are still eligible for the disability determination by the VA, you won't receive the money until the government has withheld the amount of the judgement. Uncle Sugar is not going to award duplicate money for the same disability.
Fortunately, family members haven't received any disability payments, so they only lose the 40%. Will be a lot of attorneys spending most of their practice time on these cases, then retiring.
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
..."They then looked at the same veterans’ health records from January 1997 to February 2021 to see who developed Parkinson’s or similar symptoms of the disease.

The study did not include military spouses and children who also lived at the base and were exposed, though researchers concluded that the findings “suggest that exposure to trichloroethylene in water may increase the risk of Parkinson disease.”

Camp Lejeune is at the center of dozens of pending civil lawsuits against the U.S. government for the hazardous conditions at the base.

Though TCE contaminated the base’s water supply for nearly 30 years, military officials did not discover the water quality was compromised until 1982.

What a default could mean for Medicaid and other federal benefits
More women attempt suicide. More men die by suicide.
Victims claim that Marine Corps leaders for years knowingly hid the problem and did not act quickly to fix it or notify former residents.

The Department of Veterans Affairs, which funded the study, also lists Parkinson’s as one of several presumptive conditions related to being based there.

The Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act (PACT), passed last year, allows individuals to seek benefits from the VA or sue the government for illness caused by the contaminated water. "
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CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD
Saw the report on this yesterday.
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