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Responses: 7
MSG Stan Hutchison
1. He was NOT found "guilty." He was found liable.
2. His interview on CNN was loaded with lies. Every time he opened his mouth.
3. Brokeback? Are you are implying the President is gay?
MSG Stan Hutchison
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - it would be nice if it went down to where it was when Biden took office, also if gas prices were where they were when Biden took office it would be nice.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - Where has he ever "preferred" trans people over cis people? Where do you come up with this stuff? Is there like an alt right group you're in and you all get together to say the most ridiculous, outlandish things to post online?

'President Trump, Governor Ron DeSantis, and other Republicans are going fight for the position of a Republican candidate to go against President brokeback Biden in 2024."

DeSantis and Trump hate each other and DeSantis wants to be the nominee. He will throw Trump under the bus when he can.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff May the best person win. I was calling President Biden broke back Biden just for the hell of it nothing to do with him being gay or not gay. Just as an insult just like President Trump was calling nicknames to different people. But you got to admit, the Democratic party considers trans people to be gods and stick up for them instead of sticking up for women's rights. That's why you had feminist groups back Republicans recently. It was done out of desperation by the feminist because the Democratic party has left them behind.

I have also said that Madison Avenue has their head up their fifth point of contact because they should be discussing duty, honor and Country instead of talking about their alternate lifestyle or having a trans petty officer try to help the Navy recruit which is going to totally backfire or already has. Madison Avenue doesn't get it identity politics has no place in recruiting. Only the leftist idiots think this because gay lesbian trans or otherwise will not think about this when they are small unit is under Fire and they're covering each other's backs to make sure they can shoot, move and communicate. Madison Avenue is run by stupid people!

I know Democrats intentionally want Trump to be the winner so he will supposedly lose against brokeback president biden. I think all the Republicans who have joined so far are all great contestants for The position. President Biden has shown what you vote for out of desperation to get rid of trump and you find out he's worse than Trump. Kamala Harris also shows what it is to be a do-nothing vice president who doesn't even know how to articulate correctly and she's way younger than brokeback Biden!

SFC Kelly Fuerhoff MSG Stan Hutchison CMSgt Marcus Falleaf LTC David Brown
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
Just another Dem Kangaroo court. They lose credibility with every trial.
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LTC David Brown
Edited >1 y ago
Don’t forget over 100,000 Americans are dying from fentanyl over doses every year. Drugs smuggled across our border.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
I think your 100k per day number is unsubstantiated. Also, much of the drug comes in by mail, easily passed off as a legitimate prescription. Some comes in by boat. Some flown in. I am not saying there is not drugs coming across the border, just that the border is not the only source.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - you are correct the number is 100,000 per year. I corrected the post
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