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Responses: 4
LTC David Brown
The guy killed was white. The guy killed had a rifle at ready position and got shot. FAFO If racist remarks are such a big deal why is it OK for the Tennessee three?
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
1. Eyewitnesses at the trial contradicted Perry's account about weapon position.
2. Perry's interview with police said he was worried that Foster was going to aim his weapon, not actually being aimed at him.
3. Foster's weapon had the safety on with no round in chamber.
4. What specific racist comments did the Tennessee three make?

https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/daniel-perry-guilty-verdict-murder-blm-protester-garrett-foster [login to see] /
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
LTC Eugene Chu - Kumar, an immigrant from India was told, once to his face and once on the floor of the Tennessee legislature that he is the brown face of white racism. Kumar has been in America 50 years and that is the first racial insult he has received. Foster had the weapon shouldered and elevated when he was shot. What was he doing with a weapon in a riot? People block streets and attack people. Even one of the Tennessee three attacked a motorist.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
LTC Eugene Chu You are sitting in your vehicle. All around you about 20 people, some of whom are kicking and slapping your vehicle. A man stands next to your vehicle. He is armed with a semi-automatic rifle. Is that weapon on safe? Is there in a round in the chamber? You have fractions of a second to make a decision, "shoot - don't shoot." Guess wrong and you face death or grievous bodily harm. How can you possibly know the weapon is on "safe?" How can you possibly know that there is no round in the chamber? What odds would you give on your powers of observation if the wager on your side was your life if you guess wrong? Those two points are absolutely irrelevant to a "reasonable belief" defense.

The ONLY relevant question is was there something about the way either man was holding his firearm that led the other to believe that deadly force was justified. Foster, the victim could have just as easily raised his rifle because he perceived that Perry was intent on the use of deadly force either with his vehicle or his sidearm. Foster guesses wrong, the wager is his life or the lives of those around him. Both Foster and Perry could be correct in their assumptions and the quickest on the trigger comes out alive.

We do not know what the deciding factor in Governor Abbot's decision will be. It is not a requirement that a person have no warts to receive a pardon. The plain and simple is that innocence is not a pre-requisite for a pardon. All that is required is that the governor do what he thinks best.
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SGT Ruben Lozada
Good afternoon LTC Eugene Chu. Excellent post. Thank You for sharing this.
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SSG John Gillespie
Edited >1 y ago
Wow. So the Army Times is now openly spouting neo-fascist state propaganda about Honorably Discharged Veterans who happen to be convenient punching bags for the unofficial state agenda. Nice to know that our service matters and that you're not actually a yellow journal, Army Times.

First rule: assassinate the character.

He's a murderer, charged as such more than a year after the incident, even though the police investigators concluded at the time that it was clear that he acted in self-defense. Could this be a politically motivated prosecution, given the county DA's political and financial affiliations?

He's a racist, even though the man which he shot was caucasian, just like he is. Does that mean he's supposedly racist against "white" people? This has not been explained.

LTC Eugene Chu -
Stick to the facts. When you start with the character assassination crap, we can all see that you are lying and are advancing an agenda to divide and engender hate.

YOU are the problem when you speak and behave that way. It is meant to stir emotions and makes you unable to think straight. You lose all credibility with honest, sensible people.

Why do you buy in to that sort of talk from others? Why do you uncritically accept what you read from a propaganda source?
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