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Responses: 2
MAJ Byron Oyler
Being retired AF Sir, any plans on what the AF plans are for ground air support? First they push hard to get rid of the A10 and now this. I cannot believe our AF would grossly abandon the ground troops as it would appear.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
The stated AF position is that the F-35 can assume the CAS role. You and I know that's bogus but with shrinking budgets and both fighter and bomber buys pending the AF is never going to champion development of a new CAS platform. Technically the AF has never developed a CAS aircraft; the A-10 was developed as a Soviet tank killer that could also take out the mobile SAMs that traveled with their armor units. The fall of the Soviet Union left the A-10 with no mission but fortunately some forward thinkers in both the Army and AF conceived the CAS mission they now have.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Translation: AF is going to focus more on air to air and surface to air. F the ground troops.
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