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Responses: 6
Maj Kim Patterson
SPC Robert Coventry GHOST GUNS are notoriously hard to track for a multitude of reasons.
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
Which shows no matter what laws are passed criminals will still have firearms.
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MSG Thomas Currie
The US Attorney claimed “To underscore the significance of his crimes, Mr. Olson has been handed the statutory maximum prison term.” but the truth is that he received a very generous plea deal.

Yes, Olson was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but he could have received considerably 80 years for the charges. He was allowed to plead guilty to ONE count of manufacturing - which has the penalty of up to 5 years - but to get that plea deal, the prosecution dropped FIFTEEN other felony manufacturing charges, at least two felony possession charges, and any other charges.

One reason for the sweetheart deal is that the ATF and the US Attorneys are reluctant to take most such cases to trial because many of the gun laws are on very shaky ground since the Bruen decision. I wonder how the prosecution would have claimed any "historical" basis dating to the 1790s for the law against so-called Ghost Guns when the first law requiring serial numbers on guns was adopted in 1968, or even the law requiring a federal license to manufacture and sell firearms when that law was first adopted in 1938.
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