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Responses: 1
Capt Jeff S.
Edited >1 y ago
What does this have to do with Trump? NOTHING! What the publisher of the National Enquirer does has nothing to do with Trump UNLESS there was a request by Trump to the National Enquirer to do so. Are you trying to insinuate there was no collusion by the lamestream media against Trump? Or that Trump was responsible for this claim by the Manhattan DA? You have to know that this whole thing is politically motivated.

Both Hillary and Biden should have been answering investigators for their misconduct while in office. Hillary lost track of State Dept Funds, got our ambassador killed, mishandled classified and leaked TS and above to hostile foreign intelligence services, deleted subpoenaed emails, lied under oath, and paid for a bogus dossier used by the FBI to illegally spy on the Trump campaign. That spying continued after Trump was in office.

Biden likewise was involved in illegally spying on the Trump campaign, is on video bragging about getting an investigation shut down and the lead investigator fired because they were looking into his son's involvement in Ukrainian corruption. Biden threatened to withhold aid if they didn't do what he requested. His son's laptop details the operations of a money laundering enterprise. As for the rest of the contents of the laptop (which the lamestream media claimed was Russian disinformation), the apples don't fall far from the tree. The lamestream media decided that Tara Reade's claims against Biden weren't newsworthy. THEY believe that THEY get to decide what is and isn't news. We're totally ignoring the elephant in the room to strain out gnats against Trump?

The lamestream media colluded to put Biden in office, along with Big Tech, Social Media, and the DNC, which engaged in election fraud and which colluded with the FBI and mayor of DC to bait Trump supporters into engaging in violence which they staged on J6 in order to frame Trump.

We have a two-tiered Justice System. It completely ignores the transgressions of the Left while launching investigations in search of crimes against the Right. Citizens baited into going inside the Capitol by the FBI on J6 are still being held in DC jails and they are being mistreated. One had his fingers broken by a guard and was denied medical care. Travesty of justice!!!
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
The beauty of debating with Progressives is that they tell you what their shortcomings are. They're masters of projection. Basically, they fling their poop at you. What they accuse you of are their own shortcomings. It's not like they're even that creative. ; )

Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Without looking up the definition, can you tell us all what a fascist is? In your own words.

Is Trump fascist if:
* he promotes free speech?
* he calls for free and fair elections?
* he made good on his promise to be the President of all the people including those that didn't vote for him?
* his policies benefitted everyone regardless of their political ideology?
* his agenda gets this country out of wars, not in them?

I think you're confused and blaming Trump for the Democratic Party's shortcomings.

The Democrats seek to silence those who disagree with them and engage in lawfare against groups they see as threats. They see Trump as the ultimate threat because he knows all their dirt and they're afraid of him retaliating for everything they did to screw him and set him up for failure: Illegally spied on his campaign, CIA/FBI fed him disinformation, numerous embarrasing leaks to press, stonewalled his efforts to secure Southern Border, blamed him for his proactive COVID response and for calling it the Chinese virus. Ridiculed him for suggesting they look into use of Ivermectin, which they called horse medicine.

The Democrats are implicated in numerous behaviors that can only be rationally explained as facilitating election fraud while making it difficult to prove. They didn't count on True The Vote datamining billions of cell phone tower entries to figure out how they pulled off mail-in ballot fraud. 2000 Mules details how they figured out how the Democrats cheated and proves that although the Democrats engaged in a variety of different schemes, the use of mules engaging in targeted mail-in ballot fraud in select Swing States was in and of itself enough to change the outcome of the election. That doesn't even count the manipulated vote counts on servers that were connected to the Internet or had USB drives inserted into them, ballot harvesting, procedural problems that destroyed trail of evidence such as destruction of envelopes, erasing server logs. Additionally they stopped vote counts, hid ballots under tables, prevented poll watchers from observing by making them stand 30' away from where counting was taking place and sent workers home, then resumed counting in the middle of the night, etc. Honest, innocent people don't do these things...

When Obama was elected, he taunted Conservatives and told them "Elections have consequences... Deal with it!" Trump promised to represent everyone including those that didn't vote for him. The ethnic group that benefitted most from Trump's policies was black Americans. He gave them jobs instead of keeping them unemployed and dependent on federal gov't subsidies. Trump is not anti-immigration. He is anti-illegal immigration!

The conflict in Ukraine was instigated by the Obama Administration which meddled in the Ukrainian elections and helped install a corrupt pro-West leader who then began poking Russia in the eye. According to Adam Schiff, we are fighting a proxy war in Ukraine so that we don't have to fight Russia on our soil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d4rcoPulY4

Instead of thinking in terms of Far Right or Far Left in linear fashion, see it as wrapping around like a circle where Far Right joins Far Left. You can go so far right that you go full circle and end up back at far left. The net result is the same. Trump isn't Far Right. Many Conservatives viewed him as a Liberal New Yorker. You claims Trump is fascist is without merit. Putting one's country first is common sense. Selling this country out is what the Democrats have been getting away with. The Democrats initiated the conflict in Ukraine with their meddling and forced Putin's hand. They were operating secret bio-labs in Ukraine and Western leaders were profiting from laundering aid money including Biden. You conveniently ignore this fact.

It would help if you engaged your brain before putting your mouth in gear. I would expect better from a lawyer. You disgrace your profession with your lack of judgment.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Capt Jeff S. - Jeff, my undergrad degree was in political science, which included forms of government. Fascism is a form of dictatorial, militant nationalist socialism that exalts both the dictator and the nation above the individual.

Next, I'm not a Democrat, and I'm well aware of their shortcomings.

Third, of your list about Trump? He doesn't promote free speech for all, just for him and his followers. He called for free and fair elections, yet tried to overthrow the government when he lost. The one about his promise is a joke. His policies have harmed the American public, with the most jobs lost since Hoover, and the highest unemployment since the Great Depression. His COVID policies caused countless unnecessary deaths.
Neville Chamberlain's policies kept his nation out of war too, because if you cower before strongmen like Putin and Xi, they take from you without having to go to war.
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