Posted on Mar 25, 2023
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 2
We have a great War museum in Hudson, Massachusetts, the American Heritage Museum where for instance they did a full scale battle reenactment in October 2022 which in this picture I took American and British troops are advancing on German armor and infantry. There are also both flying German and US aircraft flying in the reenactment. his was over an entire weekend, sat and Sunday a full scale battle both at 11AM and 3 PMM each day. This battle of the airfield was a reenactment of an actual battle during WWII in Europe. This battle was held outside on the museum grounds. The museum itself had aircraft, armored vehicles, landing craft, just about everything from WWII, Korea, Vietnam and even into Persian gulf wars. The Collings Foundation runs this and also at nearby Stow Airport has many aircraft from WWII, Korea, and even Vietnam including a F4 Phantom Fighter. There are both German and American aircraft including fighters and bombers from WWII in flying condition. ALL in flying condition and used in airshows and battle reenactments. The battle reenactment between the Germans and Americans is done very year always with armed vehicles, aircraft, troops truck everything Back in September 2022 they even on another section of the large property had a full scale reenactment of the Battle of Bunker Hill from back during the American Revolutionary war. Earlier in September or Aerican Legion Post 208, millis, MA had even taken a tour of the Museum. WWII and Korean War Vets are admitted free and all other vets at reduced admission charge.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
A fe of the many German troops defending their positions against the armor, Infantry and aircraft assault from the American's and British in the Battle for the Airfield WWII reenactment which I had attended and watched.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
An American spotter plane, the original that was used in the actual battle and on which the pilot had actually mounted bazookas under the wing and took out six German armored vehicles in the actual WWII Battle for the airfield. This was the actual aircar used then and reenacted the lauch and taking out a German armored Vehicle during the battle for the airfield reenactment. .Their was both the sound and flash from the bazooka launch and a huge simulated explosion from the armored vehicle that was hit.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
another picture of American troops advancing on the Germans during the Battle for the Airfield WWII Reenactment.
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