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Responses: 1
Maj John Bell
Like it or not, forest fires are part of a natural cycle. In any forest, when the canopy burns off, indigenous plants take advantage of the sunlight and available nutrients. Burned off groves of trees become green meadows, over the years trees sprout and in a geographic "minute or two." Viable trees eventually overcome the meadows and the cycle continues. Artificial reforestation is merely the impatience of man trying to shorten the cycle.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
Yes, some forest fires are natural caused, but a small percentage.

"Though they are classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as natural disasters, only 10 to 15 percent of wildfires occur on their own in nature. The other 85 to 90 percent result from human causes, including unattended camp and debris fires, discarded cigarettes, and arson."

Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - That doesn't really change my response. Yes, we should do our best to prevent unwanted man caused forest fires, and it doesn't really matter that 85% to 905 of the fires are caused by man.

If the forest is pre-disposed to fire due to underbrush abundance, drought, insect infestation etc. (all natural events) sooner or later a fire is coming.

What is a disaster for that generation of trees is an opportunity for the next set of indigenous flora and fauna. Life finds a way.
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