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Responses: 4
CMSgt Security Forces
Edited >1 y ago
Well, that's one opinion. MSM pushed the Russian collusion hoax for 2+ years. Did the progressives notice - or care? I agree our news media today is only concerned about pushing an agenda that attracts viewers regardless of the accuracy of the content. Both sides are guilty as charged.
Maj Joan Marine
Maj Joan Marine
>1 y
It's always been that way...follow the money
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
No hoax. Fox lied to you and told you it was a hoax. Now, it may be true that the Mueller team did not have enough hard evidence to charge criminal conspiracy, but absence of evidence does not mean lack of a crime. And "collusion" was a word the right made up. Take, for example, Hillary - she has been accused of many things, but there has not been enough evidence to charge or convict, or you can be damn sure a Republican would. Does that mean the charges against her are a "hoax"? Can't have it both ways. And do you feel all the Russians in the Trump orbit were just a coincidence? I know people will not read the Mueller report, because the liars at Fox already told them what and how to think about it, but there is plenty of substance in the report.

I understand that when backed into a corner the right tries hard to play the equivalency flag, but it is a false equivalency. You have been lied to for years, yet somehow have a compulsion to defend the ones that have been lying to you. Some sort of weird, right-wing Stockholm syndrome.
CMSgt Security Forces
CMSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
A prime example of the pot calling the kettle black. Go back to you MSM safe space.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
CMSgt (Join to see) - Don't pout, Mark. Try to act like a grown up.
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Maj Joan Marine
So CNN news is always correct?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Maj Joan Marine - Welcome to the Tar Baby. No matter how hard you attempt to be reasonable, he'll just suck you into his world.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Maj Joan Marine - I am not being unreasonable. I am simply asking you to provide evidence in support of your claim. Is that "unreasonable"? You made a claim, so the burden of proof is yours. Either you abandon the claim, or you provide evidence in support. That is how good faith works.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Tell me, Jack, how does bringing up CNN right away count as "reasonable" in your world? Maybe you have a different definition of "reasonable". I get you are too proud to admit to making a mistake or an error in judgement, but there is no need to drag others down with you.
Maj Joan Marine
Maj Joan Marine
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - I will just have to be unsuckable...he can take it or do his own homework!
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Folks on the right do not care. They eat it up willingly and defend it.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
It is like a weird, right-wing Stockholm syndrome. No amount of actual evidence will get through.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - They will just come up with whataboutisms like my kids when they were teenagers.
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