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Responses: 1
LTC David Brown
Edited >1 y ago
This is a great article. Fentanyl is a poison and many good points are made. I have one minor objection. There are many situations, like when I was in Bosnia with no Anesthesiologist, where we gave Fentanyl with out an anesthesiologist. Over 1/2 the anesthesia in America is provided by Nurse Anesthetists, much of it with out an anesthesiologist superb.
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
>1 y
Under supervision and controlled conditions I’m am sure you administered the disease in a manner that was not intended to cause harm. I have no objection to that scenario… but it is now invading every type of drug being sold over the internet and on the street … 100K+ Americans dead. It’s a war on America and we are losing.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
LTC Marc King - We lost the war against drugs before it ever started. We continue to treat drug addiction as a crime rather than a disease. We can never put an end to drug abuse. We tried in 1918 with booze. Did not work with alcohol and it will not work with the other drugs.
IMO, all we can do is address the basics, the issues that push a person into the trap. Changing society may help, but how and in which direction?
A very complicated issue with no clear, easy path to resolution.

Thank you for addressing this threat.
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