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Responses: 1
SSG 12 B Instructor
Hysterical... an entire video talking about how the GOP falsly blames everyone else for their problems...while blaming the GOP for all the Countries problems... this is probably one of the most hypocritical videos I've seen in a long time!! If this doesn't sum up the entire political environment in this country try perfectly, I don't know what else will. Lol

Thanks for the laugh.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Anytime. Always happy to educate. And what did you find, if anything, to be inaccurate exactly?

- Did the Trump admin not try to dismantle the EPA?
- Did the Trump admin not make a big show of slashing regulations, to include safety and environmental regulations?
- Do you feel the Democrat response may be pushback to the Republicans trying to push blame onto Democrats and the Biden admin?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
No response? Interesting.

Let me ask you.... why do you feel the need to defend Republicans and the GOP other than someone once told you that was the side you are rooting for?
SSG 12 B Instructor
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney sorry, did not mean to leave you hanging. I was at Drill this weekend so reception was shotty at best. I would not say that I am a true republican by any means. I just believe in small government, less spending and I am a capitalist for sure. I think the federal governments job to is to ensure citizens rights are not infringed. Not to govern our lives in the fashion that they do. I think protecting citizens from companies mis deeds is within the governments duty, but should be at the expense of that company. I am not sure what your economic status is nor is it my business, but I can tell you not only do I get taxed at a very high rate, but I also just wrote a 11k check to the IRS for 2022, well will be this coming week. So yeah...when I get taxed more in a year than the average salary of the rest of the country, what to expect me to feel... so I get to pay for all these programs, yet never will I or my family ever get to use them.... so I am certainly not liberal... however, and this is a big one... there are some things I will always support. I am 100% pro choice, I also am in favor of a welfare program that makes sense, key words makes sense... referring to actual regulations, and I support liveable wages for people...you work full time, you should be able to live (however, I believe inflation is the largest cause for this issue, not corporations)

I like to call myself a constitutionist... if that is such a thing. I believe in our given rights and that is why I were the uniform. I have voted left and right every since I could vote....22 years now. I supported Obama in his first term, hell I supported Clinton in his second as an young Democrat in my high school. I support laws and policies that I personally feel are what is right for the whole of the country.

It may seem to you that I am a republican, however I am listed and registered as an independent.

I am starting to really enjoy our chats here, seriously
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Fair enough. I am willing to bet we agree on more things than we disagree. My concern is with the radicalizing effect of right-wing media and how some military and veterans run to the defense of the GOP as if it is their duty and bend over backward to find fault with the Democrats spurred on by a good amount of grievance farming.

I have heard it said that the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that a Democrat would give away a million dollars in the hopes that at least one deserving person would be helped, while the Republicans would withhold a million dollars with the fear that one undeserving person might benefit. I think this analogy neatly sums up the spiritual core of each group. While the right tries to cast itself as the party of the people through populist rhetoric, it does very little for the people and is more more concerned about the interests of big business. The Democrats for their part, I feel, are generally well intended but often overreach or fail to see or account for the second or third order effects of their policies.

I pay a good share of taxes myself, though once paid, I don't get too riled up about how it gets spent. I have done my part, and complaining about how money goes to welfare and safety net programs does as much good at complaining about it going to an over-bloated military budget and the military industrial complex. That said, I rarely find myself saying poor people have had it too good for too long. And sure, there are those that will abuse the system, but that happens on both sides. I am much more concerned about those gaming the system to get their hands on taxpayer dollars just to turn around and bank roll lobbyists and PACs for special favors, like the ability to avoid regulation. Poor people don't have good lobbyists, so I try to advocate for them when I can.
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