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Responses: 3
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
I wouldn't expect anything different from this person... All I have seen from him is blame someone or something to get the onus away from him... IMHO, He has failed as the Secretary of Transportation based on His performance thus far and I don't see that changing as He is a creature of habit and repeatability...
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney it is both parties blaming each other and accomplishing nothing. As a senior NCO, did you allow your people to blame others for not completing the mission that was assigned to him or her?

Pete Buttigieg is a very skilled communicator. He is eloquent and well spoken. He is using those skills to deflect the unwanted attention that he is getting. Regardless of what previous administrations have done, it can be undone by the next. That’s evidenced by the policies on immigration and fossil fuels that were undone in this administration. Some times you get a shit sandwich handed to you, but when you get it, you own it and deal with it. It’s called leadership. If it is broken, you fix it.
People need to stop this Democrat/ Republican crap and join team America. Everyone in the government works for us and I for one expect a higher standard.

And NO I don’t support Trump for those of you that will want to ignore the message and attack the messenger because I speak ill of a Democrat. I vote for people…..not political parties.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell - I get your point, but fully believe it was Trump and the Republicans that were quick to jump on the blame game, running Trump into Ohio for a photo op and having Tucker attack Pete Buttigieg, so it doesn't surprise me that the Democrats are going to push back and point out some inconvenient facts that show the Republican narrative to be full of holes. What should they do? Just let the Republicans shape the false narrative?

Sure, the Biden admin could go about reversing Trump admin deregulation, and oh how the right and the Trumpublicans would scream if they did. And they would still blame Democrats for anything and everything that goes wrong. Fertilizer factory blows up in Texas? Democrats to blame. Texas power grid fails, Democrats and wind power to blame... forget that Texas chose not to winterize their infrastructure and that the vast majority of power loss was from freezing gas lines... and lets not forget that the Texas legislature included a loophole for natural gas companies so that they didn't have to fall under the umbrella of critical infrastructure.

So yeah, I understand how it looks like a blame game, but if one peels the onion closely, I can clearly tell which of the two sides work harder to avoid accountability.
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
>1 y
I will respect your opinion however, objectively, both parties need to put their big girl and boy panties on and stop throwing blame and start providing solutions. The government is like having children….. the public needs to let their representatives know that if they don’t “ knock it off, we’re going to stop this car” as my parents would tell us kids.
This isn’t a sporting event where red or blue is supposed to win….. the American people are the ones that are supposed to win. Defending either side is perpetuating the problem. Pick the middle and stop the insanity is what I want to see.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell - That's great and all. How do you propose to make that happen? Grievance farming and sensationalism influences votes. Anger is a very strong motivator. While I appreciate your appeal to the peoples' higher angels, how is it realistic in a capitalist society that uses a money driven popularity contest to pick the representatives and leaders? It is easy to say "pick the middle", but you may find their is a very diverse opinion on where the middle is, so you are back to square one.

If the government is like having children, then the parents really need to get on common ground before they have a ghost of a chance giving the government a collective talking to.
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SSG 12 B Instructor
The truth is this was a failure of a mechanical part. There is no blame on Trump or Buttigieg for the accident. The policy they keep referring to Trump walking back, from and Obama Era policy, what about braking systems on fuel tankers. This was a failure of a bearing system, and was not a fuel tank. Even if that policy had not been reverted, this would have still happen. The issue here is monitoring Temps of heat increases on bearing. Which by all accounts is the responsibility of the train company to set safety parameters on. Now with this information, perhaps the current administration can enact changes to monitoring. But, no matter how you want to spin this, it should not be political at all.
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
>1 y
Thank you for a sensible response SSG (Join to see) ….. one very similar to the one that I posted as an answer on the same topic.

It is partisan crap to throw sticks at each other in the name of a political party. This is about now, not the Bush admin, not the Obama admin, and not the Trump admin.

As a leader, what someone has done in the past is nothing more than an aiming stake for the now and moving forward. We look back to see what we can do better or what we should continue to do….not so that we can say “Well, so and so didn’t do it!” As an excuse for not living up to our obligations.

For those that have forgotten, those in Washington work for us; the American people. The Secretary of Transportation, regardless of administration, should always be front a center on incidents of this magnitude without having to be pressured by the Media.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
That's great, up to the point where you said, "which by all accounts is the responsibility of the train company to set safety parameters". But it costs money to study, set, monitor, and enforce safety standards. What company is going to do that without specific directive telling them to do so? They have shareholders to answer to and those shareholders expect profits. So it is a risk vs benefit (profit) analysis. Pay a little bit when there is an accident with limited liability - the government will make people whole, or pay a lot of money establishing safety infrastructure? What is the incentive? The safety of the community? Laughable. Companies are in business for profit. By and large, they don't care about the "community" impact.

So yeah, the current admin might push regulations on monitoring, and they will be met by the screams of "Big Government", "Big Brother wants to run the rail road", and "job killing over regulation by the Federal government".
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LTC David Brown
Buttigieg had 2 years to have train safety reviewed and did NOTHING. There was nothing that prevents bearings from wearing out.
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