Posted on Feb 7, 2023
U-2 Spy Planes Snooped On Chinese Surveillance Balloon
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
LTC Eugene Chu Nah! Say it Ain't So! We Were Collecting Intelligence on them while they thought they were collecting Intelligence on Us!
Canada and the US have a joint command of NORAD. If that you two spy plane was flying over canada, you have the deputy commander of NORAD as a Canadian officer. This wasn't like the U2 spy plane was flying over communist held Hainan Island and observe the balloon.
Under the Monroe doctrine, we have the right to look at that balloon and protect us sovereignty. I think this was a test to the USA and to the brokeback Biden Administration that now makes up stories saying that Norad didn't know about Chinese balloons flying under Trump's tenure yet we have the information now?
We have proven to the world that we are an indecisive declining superpower.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SPC Robert Coventry
Under the Monroe doctrine, we have the right to look at that balloon and protect us sovereignty. I think this was a test to the USA and to the brokeback Biden Administration that now makes up stories saying that Norad didn't know about Chinese balloons flying under Trump's tenure yet we have the information now?
We have proven to the world that we are an indecisive declining superpower.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SPC Robert Coventry
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Pffft! How about the TU-95 that Flew Over Me and Adak and wasn't chased out until it was over anchorage during the Reagan Administration? Come On! Each Time We switch Up Our Response to keep them Guessing! Not that We weren't screaming though having notified the World after they cleared Vladivostok!
BUT, 1 was visible and the other was not, I'll take your balloon and raise you a U-2
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