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Responses: 2
Sgt Jim Belanus
been that way for a long time, to many small processers have gone out of business and only 4 or 5 large packers left, they dictate the purchase price and charge what they want for the processed animals. We need more of the family processors and less the big guys. Get the gov. of the backs of the small processors
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
>1 y
Sgt Jim Belanus Personally I think the government wants to get rid of the small mom and pop operation of all kinds today, not just meat processors. They have little concern for the small operation. Wal-Mart alone has destroyed main street USA with their ability to mass buy paying selling the same merchandise for less than the mom and pop store can buy for.
Sgt Jim Belanus
Sgt Jim Belanus
>1 y
can't argue with that, That's the same statement my dad made in the mid 60's when we were running a grade A dairy more inspectors than you could shake a stick at. We had many small farms and most had milk cows and chickens and hogs. Now they are all gone and only a handful farm what many farmed
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1LT Voyle Smith
Sounds like a good idea. I use a local processor for my cows. They do a good job from slaughter to their retail display case and the beef if grass-fed and super lean.
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