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Responses: 2
SGT Ruben Lozada
Excellent post. Thank You for sharing this shipmate.
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SSG Roger Ayscue
These new laws might also prevent Voter Fraud and Ballot Harvesting, God knows we would not want to ensure that only legal citizens and legitimate voters cast ballots now would we?
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
PV2 Larry Sellnow - OK so if we can ELIMINATE it by these means, then wy do so many on the left want to eliminate all methods of securing elections?
Could it be that those on the left that say the amount of voter fraud is small, WANT voter fraud? Those that claim that is true continue to talk about it.
I my opinion, we should do everything to eliminate voter fraud so that both sides can shut up about it and everyone will trust the election system.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
PV2 Larry Sellnow - I am all for legitimate mail in ballots. I am against the Democratic trend toward ballot harvesting. A Mail in ballot should be applied for BY THE VOTER ONLY, filled out, BY THE VOTER ONLY, and returned by mail BY THE VOTER ONLY. No one should be allowed, except for a Deputy Sheriff, to pick up ballots and turn them in.
Voter ID and an end to ballot harvesting would go a long way toward restoring confidence in the election system. I have no confidence in the system now, and until steps are take to secure the system I will always have questions.
I honestly can not understand the US Political system anyway, to think that a senile (Biden) with a Incompetent running mate (Harris) along with a Total self-absorbed Narcissist (Trump) who got rid of advisors that were not just yes men, was the best we could do?
Vote Libertarian, get term limits, a flat tax rate and less intrusion in your personal life.
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