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Responses: 2
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
I just don’t believe this Rasmussen Poll. No one I know believes a “significant” number of deaths occurred because of the COVID 19 vaccine. I suppose they need to define “significant” before they start reporting things. They throw around a lot of percentages of different groups of people without explaining the logic behind their poll and assumptions made.

Rasmussen says these is a 95 percent confidence level for the poll results. All I can say is I find this difficult to believe. I’ve worked with statistics in hydrology and hydraulics and in these fields it’s next to impossible to get 95% confidence. I realize they are different kinds of studies from what I did.

Rasmussen has a lot of explaining to do before I would accept the results if this poll. I believe it all goes back to their definition of “significant”. Here is a fair talk about the mortality rate. I like it when people provide their logic and numbers used to explain what is happening and not just throw blind percentages around.
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MSG Darold R.
I can believe it.
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