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Responses: 7
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
The questions are how will the administration pay for breaking the law?
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LTC Kevin B.
Alarmist and misleading headline. The story actually states:

"both Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden had pressured Twitter to censor and suppress information on Covid, Covid vaccines, and the public reactions to the pandemic, that went against their interests."
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) -
Feb. 28th, 2020: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
— Donald Trump
March 10th, 2020: “And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”
— Donald Trump

"sensible doctors and scientists should have debated this point back and forth." They were debating this, and their strong consensus was to take the virus seriously, to include all of the protective measures like wearing masks, minimizing contact with others, etc. Sure, a minority of people had some dissenting opinions, and their voices were greatly amplified by right-wing media. That didn't mean that a legitimate debate was still ongoing within the scientific community. The problem was that some politicians and their supportive media voices saw the pandemic as undermining their political agenda. That's when they started propping up the small number of dissenting voices and creating the illusion that no consensus existed within the fields of medicine and public health. I work in this field and am supporting by tons of people who live and breath this stuff as the primary component of their professional lives. Trust me, there was no ongoing debate about protective measures needing to be taken (initially with the masks and the shutdowns, and then with the vaccinations). You can call it bias if you want, but that doesn't make it bias. People being fully informed about a topic doesn't make them biased. It simply makes them informed.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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LTC Kevin B. - As for President Trump’s motivational comments you mention: You as an officer, above everyone you should realize the importance of giving hope to those under your command when under attack from our enemies. You criticize President Trump for trying to give hope, and then speak how President Trump “undermine” vaccinees, I honestly don’t know where you got that one from. Being negative never goes far in my opinion unless it’s 100% factual.

Then you discuss what little debate was permitted with negative comments like “voices were greatly amplified by right-wing media.”. The only advise I can offer is to leave out adjectives and obviously negative comments like this. Stick with the plain facts and people will recognize them. What small debate there was wasn’t meaningful and everyone knows it. Fauci told the truth in the beginning that cloth masks do not contain COVID-19, and then flipped his position yielding to political pressure. Cloth masks alone are “at best 40% effective”, that means statistically they are useless in stopping the spread of the virus because its size is smaller than the typical opening in the cloth being used. If they wanted to go the mask route they should have specified “the standard” to use, like “use an N95 mask or whatever would work. Instead, they decided to play “stupid games” with using multiple masks, ect. One other prime example I will mention is where Fauci came up with the 6’ spacing rule: from what another doctor used in the 1890’s if I’m not mistaken, and there was no debate from scientists allowed at all. The 6’ Rule was proclaimed from God. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

Now for your statement that you “I work in this field and am supporting by tons of people” and to “Trust me”. Sorry but I trust no one who doesn’t disclose their qualifications. As an example, I could tell you for the last 14 years before I retired not quite 2 years ago, I served as a Section Chief for PADEP-BAMR. I was In Responsible Charge of the Planning Section, a group of multi-disciplined professionals who are primarily responsible for ensuring NEPA compliance for all District Office actions, Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 Permits, in addition to working with our Federal Oversight. My staff consisted of civil engineers, mining engineers, environmental engineers, biologists, and a variety of technicians at one time or another. I personally oversaw our coordination with most any environmental agency you can name and consulted with other professionals in the PFBC, PGC, and a host of federal agencies I won’t list because I am trying to keep this short. In some of our more sensitive environmental clearances I also consulted with MD’s about the effects of mine gases in addition to water quality issues. My point is if you are asking people to trust you without listing the specific facts, please list your qualifications. I can say much more but I will reframe. I already have gone on too long. Sometimes for complex problems we need to take some time.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - "What small debate there was wasn’t meaningful and everyone knows it." = your opinion, stated as if it were fact.

"You criticize President Trump for trying to give hope" = inaccurate depiction of what I said. I never said that Trump was trying to give anyone hope. He definitely wasn't doing that.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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LTC Kevin B. - "He definitely wasn't doing that." We see different things when we look at the same situation. I agree to disagree.
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SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
I am not surprised at this! They are not honest brokers!
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