Posted on Jul 9, 2015
Ariana Grande -- Bails on MLB Concert ... 'I Hate Americans' Backlash to Blame?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 29
I get a kick out of the true hipocracy of the situation. 1. Leave the country that oppresses you. 2. Move to the country that welcomes your differences and offers you freedom. 3. Try to convert your new country to the very thing you fled. 4. Raise holy hell about the things that makes this country awesome. 5. When you get backed into a corner with your extremist views, fall back onto the constitution.
Not that many "hate America." Yeah, there are fewer rabid nationalists but I think the "doesn't like America at all" crew is pretty small. Most of them don't leave because they're either useless brats like this kid or no one wants them.
SGT (Join to see)
I would say more than I would ever think. I hear this a lot from those singers/actresses/actors. Well, regular people don't matter that much so, eh. (sarcasm) SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT Jeremiah B.
It's a spoiled brat problem. They're surrounded by people who tell them their opinion matters and never challenge them on anything. Then we all gab about it, which mostly reinforces the behavior.
Also, home state fail. Damn you, Florida!
Also, home state fail. Damn you, Florida!
SSG (Join to see)
I think is in the communist ideals that people want things for nothing, if you are risking your time and money and successful you are the bad guy in the movie. Sad state of affairs
SGT Jeremiah B.
SFC James Sczymanski - Alas, Grande has no education. She flits around to belief systems that shore up what she believes already rather than facing the challenges of conflicting values.
And yeah, "poli sci" was all you needed to say. There is definitely a overwhelming liberal slant to Academia. The question has always been "why?" Is it self-selection, discrimination or what? Evidence that I've read says it's a bit of both.
In my experience, most professors are excellent educators that will make you work for your beliefs but not attempt to destroy them, with the stupidly hostile being a minority. You just have to be ready to scrap when you take philosophy and political science classes...something us vets are rather fond of. (;
And yeah, "poli sci" was all you needed to say. There is definitely a overwhelming liberal slant to Academia. The question has always been "why?" Is it self-selection, discrimination or what? Evidence that I've read says it's a bit of both.
In my experience, most professors are excellent educators that will make you work for your beliefs but not attempt to destroy them, with the stupidly hostile being a minority. You just have to be ready to scrap when you take philosophy and political science classes...something us vets are rather fond of. (;
What's sad is that this will be swept under the rug and her puppeteers will have her come out with a statement so that they continue to make a fortune out of Americans.
SGT (Join to see)
EXACTLY SGT (Join to see)
Just like that Korean who "Hates America" and his Gongnam Style or whatever the hell that ridiculous song was called.
Just like that Korean who "Hates America" and his Gongnam Style or whatever the hell that ridiculous song was called.
SSG John Erny
Perhaps she could be a bride for Jihadi Joe! They too hate America and are so into women's rights. No nation is perfect, but ours states it right in the preamble: "in order to form a more perfect union." Meaning that it is a never ending task to make out nation better for the next generation.
SSG Paul Setterholm
Too frequently, we have people say stupid things. "If Obama gets reelected, I'm moving to Costa Rica!" That kind of thing. How often have you heard someone say that is "amazing". Really? Amazing? We all say things that are not truly what we believe. Have your significant other or kid said someone about another. You just blow it off as venting? When someone voices opinion on the govt. you have to really look at the person to know if it is factual or emotion or just plain "amazingly over-the-top stupidity. Lol
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